Kesejahteraan Psikologis Anggota Yasinan yang Mengikuti Kegiatan Keagamaan di Masa Pandemi
Kesejahteraan Psikologis, Yasinan, Pandemi.Abstract
Psychological well-being can counteract the negative effects of the pandemic. Psychological well-being is a feeling of happiness and satisfaction with life because it can utilize self-functions effectively. Psychological well-being is influenced by an individual's belief in religion. According to the Qur'an, psychological well-being can be achieved if the individual remembers Allah. One way to do this is by following the yasinan. This study aims to determine the condition of the psychological well-being of yasinan members who participate in yasinan during the pandemic, the factors that influence it and the role of yasinan activities on the psychological well-being of its members. This type of qualitative descriptive research with the subject of two Yasinan members who have just joined Yasinan since the pandemic in Pasar Minggu Maliku Village. Methods of collecting data with interviews accompanied by observation and documentation. The results showed that the psychological well-being of the two subjects varied according to the aspects of psychological well-being that they fulfilled. The factors that influence it are religiosity, social support, culture, age, and personality. The role of yasinan activities on the psychological well-being of its members is that it can develop aspects that make up the psychological well-being itself.References
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