Hubungan Religiusitas dengan Kebahagian Santriwati Pondok Pesantren
Religiusitas, kebahagiaan, santriwati, hubungan religiusitas dengan kebahagiaan, santriwati pondok pesantren,Abstract
The happiness of each female student is different, some are visited by their parents, get pocket money remittances, have friends who can accept their shortcomings and strengths, can gather with good people, gain in-depth religious knowledge, can recite and memorize the Qur'an. an, and sat in the assembly of knowledge together. This study aims to determine the religiosity and happiness of Islamic boarding school students, as well as to determine the relationship between religiosity and happiness of female students. This research uses the type of correlational research. The data collection used is a scale, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are based on the calculations carried out to get the mean value on the religiosity scale that is 181.99 and the standard deviation value of 13.473, it is known that in the religiosity variable the most subjects are in the medium category, namely 50 subjects with a percentage of 62.5%. While on the happiness scale, which is 125.31 and the standard deviation value is 10.912, it is known that the most happiness variable is in the medium category, namely as many as 51 subjects with a percentage of 63.8%References
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