Tarbiyah Islamiyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Agama Islam https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk <div class="deskripsi"> <ol> <li>Journal Title: <a href="http://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/management/settings/context//index.php/tabayyun">Tarbiyah Islamiyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Agama Islam</a></li> <li>Initials: JTIPAI</li> <li>Frequency: 2 issues per year (June and December)</li> <li>Online ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20220420371347129" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2829-5919</a></li> <li>Editor in Chief: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1487725225" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2579-714X</a></li> <li>DOI: 10.1899/jtipai </li> <li>Publisher: UIN Antasari Banjarmasin</li> </ol> </div> <p align="justify"><strong>Tarbiyah Islamiyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Agama Islam</strong> <a title="PISSN" href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2579-714X" target="_blank" rel="noopener">P-ISSN 2579714X</a> and <a title="EISSN" href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/20220420371347129" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN 2829-5919</a> is peer-reviewed national journal published biannually by Islamic Education Department of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University (UIN) of Antasari Banjarmasin. The focus discussion of the journal is highlighting aspects related to Islamic Education. The journal is published biannually in June and December.</p> <p align="justify"><strong>Tarbiyah Islamiyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Agama Islam</strong><em> </em>is accreditated SINTA 4 (<a title="Sinta" href="https://arjuna.kemdikbud.go.id/files/info/Hasil_Akreditasi_Jurnal_Ilmiah_Periode_III_Tahun_20226.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SK: 225/E/KPT/2022</a>) valid for 5 years (from Vol 10 Number 2, 2020 - Vol 15 Number 1, 2025) by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. </p> <p align="justify">This journal is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge for the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.</p> en-US <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:<br /><br /></p><ul><li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li></ul><ul><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li></ul><ul><li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</li></ul> [email protected] (Jurnal Tarbiyah Islamiyah) [email protected] (Jurnal Tarbiyah Islamiyah) Sat, 06 Jan 2024 08:21:18 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 SEJARAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM : PERSPEKTIF PEMIKIRAN IBNU KHOLDUN DAN RELEVANSINYA DENGAN PENDIDIKAN DI INDONESIA https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/article/view/9616 <p><em>Regarding education, there are many thoughts from scholars regarding education for humans, both Islamic scholars and non-Islamic scholars. Thoughts of experts on education are very diverse, but there are many thoughts in common. In this paper the author will analyze one educational thought, namely the thought of an Islamic scholar whose work is very famous entitled Muqadimah, namely Ibnu Kholdun. This paper will explain the history of Islamic education according to Ibn Kholdun's thoughts, and how relevant it is to the current era in Indonesia. In this problem, the author uses a qualitative method in searching data related to the theme. The data taken is in the form of relevant journals or books. Ibn Khaldun was a thinker who was very firm in his faith and committed to religious teachings. Ibn Khaldun proportionally places authority and reason, in contrast to previous thinkers. He was reluctant to mix things up or to link things up with religious rules, which were usually coercive. Ibn Khaldun only wanted to see the world through scientific reasoning. So from that Aristotle's concept of logic regarding logic can be used as a basis, while his concept of divinity according to Ibn Khaldun's view cannot be used as a strong basis. For this reason, it is important for the author to know how Ibn Kholdun's thoughts look at the history of Islamic education and its relevance to education in Indonesia.</em></p> Tarbyatul Uluwiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Tarbyatul Uluwiyah https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/article/view/9616 Sat, 06 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENILAIAN FORMATIF DALAM KURIKULUM MERDEKA PADA PEMEBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI KELAS IV SDN SEKUMPUL 1 MARTAPURA https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/article/view/9872 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT: </em></strong><em>Achieving results in teaching PAI material in this independent curriculum needs to be through tests, the provision of an independent curriculum is important to answer the constraints of society era 5.0. At the heart of an independent curriculum is freedom of thought, which offers students the opportunity to develop to form superior resources. The main principle is to conduct national assessments, competencies and characters, where the assessment highlights students' reading and mathematics skills. The implementation of the formative test in grade IV SDN Sekumpul 1 Martapura is a test carried out on the teaching and learning program process to see the successful behavior of the teaching and learning process itself, The research method carried out at SDN Sekumpul 1 is by collecting data directly in the field or place that is the object of research, the implementation of formative tests is carried out using the card match index method and focus group discusion with an assessment of knowledge, activeness and social awareness on the material causes of the migration of the prophet Muhammad SAW using 6 samples of grade IV students of SDN Sekumpul 1 Martapura<strong></strong></em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Assessment, Formative, Curriculum, Merdeka</em></p><p><strong><em>ABSTRAK</em></strong><em>: Mencapai kebehasilan dalam pengajaran pada materi PAI di kurikulum merdeka ini perlu melalui tes,</em> <em>Penyediaan kurikulum yang merdeka penting untuk menjawab kendala masyarakat era 5.0. Inti dari kurikulum merdeka adalah kebebasan berpikir, yang menawarkan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk berkembang membentuk sumber daya yang unggul. Prinsip utamanya adalah melakukan asesmen secara nasional, kompetensi dan karakter, dimana asesmen tersebut menonjolkan kemampuan membaca dan matematika siswa. pelaksanaan tes formatif di kelas IV SDN Sekumpul 1 Martapura merupakan tes yang dilakukan pada proses program belajar-mengajar untuk melihat tingkah laku keberhasilan proses belajar- mengajar itu sendiri, metode penelitian yang dilakukan di SDN Sekumpul 1 yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data secara langsung di lapangan atau tempat yang menjadi objek penelitian, pelaksanaan tes formatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode indeks card match dan focus group discusion dengan penilaian asepek penegtahuan, keaktifan dan sosial pada materi sebab – sebab hijrahnya nabi Muhammad SAW dengan menggunakan 6 sampel siswa kelas IV SDN Sekumpul 1 Martapura</em></p><strong><em>Kata Kunci : </em></strong><em>Penilaian, Formatif, Kurikulum, Merdeka</em> Miftahul Ihsan, Maemonah Maemonah Copyright (c) 2024 Miftahul Ihsan https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/article/view/9872 Sat, 06 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OUTDOOR LEARNING RELIGY: DESAIN PEMBELAJARAN AL-QURAN DAN STRATEGI PENANAMAN TAUHIDULLAH PESERTA DIDIK DI TAMAN PENDIDIKAN AL-QURAN NURUL BILAD BATUARA https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/article/view/9380 Penentu maju atau mundurnya suatu peradaban bangsa adalah pendidikan, baik sistem pendidikan formal, informal maupun nonformal. Namun, Pendidikan informal masih kurang diperhatikan pengelolaannya, Taman Pendidikan al-Quran adalah salah satu contoh lembaga pendidikan informal yang ada di masyarakat. Padahal TPQ dapat mendukung peserta didik dalam belajar membaca al-Quran dan memahami agama Islam yang dianutnya serta dengan pengelolaan TPQ yang maksimal dapat berkontribusi terhadap prestasi belajar peserta didik di sekolah formal khususnya mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan desain pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam menanamkan tauhidullah kepada peserta didik. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pendidik dan peserta didik di Taman Pendidikan al-Quran Nurul Bilad Batuara. Adapun desain pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh pendidik adalah Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS), kegiatan ini dapat menumbuhkan pemahaman <em>tauhidullah</em> peserta didik. Futri Syam, Fathayatul Husna Copyright (c) 2024 Futri Syam, Fathayatul Husna https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/article/view/9380 Sat, 06 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS HADIS-HADIS BAHAN AJAR PAI SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/article/view/11418 <p style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study is to describe the ethical values contained in the hadiths in the teaching materials of PAI class VII in Junior High School. Where in the face of the era of disruption with the condition of massive innovation in various things into life, causing the unpreparedness of the younger generation to deal with it, especially in the context of national life with the conditions of multicultural Indonesia. Behavioral shifts also change along with technological advances. Ethics education is an important part of the concept of human life in order to create harmony. This type of research is a literature research by studying and examining library materials related to the traditions studied, namely through the steps of mentakhrij hadith and tracing the syarah as well as tracing its content from various references, and then analyzing and concluding the ethical values contained therein. The result of this research is that there are eight ethical points contained in 5 hadiths, namely: mutual respect, preventing discrimination, discipline, patience, obedience, humility, generosity and forgiveness. The results of this study can be used as material in the reconstruction of millennial youth ethics education.</p> <div><strong><em><span lang="EN-US">Keywords: Ethics Education; Millennial Youth; Era of Disruption; Hadith</span></em></strong></div> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai etika yang terdapat dalam hadis-hadis pada bahan ajar mata pelajaran PAI kelas VII di Sekolah Menengah Pertama dalam menghadapi era disrupsi dengan kondisi terjadinya inovasi besar-besaran dalam berbagai hal ke dalam kehidupan, menyebabkan ketidaksiapan generasi muda untuk menghadapinya, khususnya dalam konteks kehidupan kebangsaan dengan kondisi Indonesia yang multibudaya. Pergeseran perilaku turut berubah beriringan dengan kemajuan teknologi. Pendidikan etika menjadi bagian penting dari konsep kehidupan manusia agar tercipta keharmonisan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka dengan mempelajari dan menelaah bahan pustaka yang berhubungan dengan hadis-hadis yang diteliti, yaitu melalui langkah mentakhrij hadis dan menelusuri syarahnya serta menelusuri kandungannya dari berbagai referensi, dan kemudian menganalisis dan menyimpulkan nilai etika yang terdapat di dalamnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukan delapan butir etika yang terkandung dalam 5 hadis yaitu: saling menghormati, mencegah diskriminasi, disiplin, sabar, patuh, merendah, pemurah dan pemaaf. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan dalam rekonstruksi pendidikan etika remaja milenial.</p> <div><strong><em><span lang="EN-US">Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Etika; Remaja Milenial; Era Disrupsi; Hadis</span></em></strong></div> Mardhiya Agustina Malkan, Raudhatul Jannah Copyright (c) 2024 Mardhiya Agustina Malkan, Raudhatul Jannah https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/article/view/11418 Thu, 25 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TIMELINE STORY POSTER IN ISLAMIC HISTORICAL LESSON OF CLASS 3 INTENSIVE AT GONTOR FOR GIRLS CAMPUS THREE https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/article/view/10859 The Islamic Historical lessons are often rated as boring lessons and not interesting. That was known with the existence significant difference point between the average value obtained and the minimum level of average achievement. The average point of Islamic Historical lessons for students in Class 3 Intensive 2021 is 2.62, while the brick Mark minimum is 4.9. From these data obtained students reached the minimum limit mark about 1 % Then from that, the resear attempted. The method is studied Quantitative type Experiment. The population is whole students of Class 3 Intensive and the engineering election sample is <em>Simple Random Sampling</em>, which was taken 70 students from class 3 Intensive B up to class 3 Intensive H, half of them being students for class control and 35 for the class experiment. As for analysis using normality test, reliability test, and Mann Whitney test.<strong> </strong> This study shares new findings, namely forms of application and constraints in the difficulty of understanding Islamic history lessons. Student understanding of Islamic history lessons based on this study is not evenly distributed. Research This study recommends the use of media-based learning Timeline Story Poster to improve the learning of Islamic history education. Teachers need to develop innovative learning media strategies, while students must actively participate in the learning process and apply their experiences. For students, hopefully students can realize their desire to study Islamic history and achieve their understanding in studying each subject subject. For teachers, research results should be a reference in the application of educational methods in the learning process. Riska Hanan Nurahmah Copyright (c) 2024 Riska Hanan Nurahmah https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/tiftk/article/view/10859 Sat, 06 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000