Focus and Scope

Tarbiyah Islamiyah Journal is a scientific periodical published by Islamic Education Department, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of Antasari State Islamic University Banjarmasin which contains the results of research by experts in the field of Islamic education in various perspectives. The focus of this journal is on important and actual issues regarding Islamic Education, such as:

  1. Instructional System Design of Islamic Education
  2. Instructional Strategy of Islamic Education
  3. Instructional Media of Islamic Education
  4. Instructional Evaluation of Islamic Education
  5. Islamic History in Indonesia
  6. History of Islamic Civilization
  7. Sociology of Islamic Education
  8. Study of Tarbawi Hadith
  9. Study of Tarbawi Exegesis
  10. Islamic Education in Family and Society
  11. Islamic Education Theory
  12. Islamic Education Curriculum
  13. Banjar Ulama's thoughts on Islamic Religious Education
  14. Study of Islamic Education Thought
  15. Islamic Education for Children with Special Needs