About the Journal
Journal Title
: At-Taradhi: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi
DOI Prefix
: Prefix 10.18592 by Crossref
Editor in Chief
Managing Editor | : Muhammad Rifqi Hidayat |
Publisher | : Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin |
: 2 issues per year (July and December)
At-Taradhi: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi (P-ISSN: 1979-3804) and (E-ISSN: 2548-9941) is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin - Indonesia. The journal focused on primary studies of economics, banking, and Islamic economic, which consist of Management, Entrepreneurship, Economy Development, Accounting, Islamic Banking, Islamic Banking Regulations, Islamic Finance Institutions, Instruments of Islamic Finance, Islamic Accounting, Islamic Management, Islamic Business Ethics, Islamic Philanthropy, and Halal Business.
This journal is an open-access journal, meaning that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
All papers submitted to the journal should be written in good English or Bahasa Indonesia and must be submitted online to: https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/taradhi/user/register. Should there be a problem with the online submission, please get in touch with Editorial Office at the following email address: [email protected]. The Journal has been indexed by Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Portal Garuda, Moraref, BASE, Dimensions, etc, and is accredited SINTA 4 (SK: 23/E/KPT/2019) by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. At-Taradhi: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi is also a CrossRef Member. Therefore, all articles published by At-Taradhi: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi will have a UNIQUE DOI.
Current Issue
Beyond The Intention of Generation Z to Work at Islamic Banks: Case of Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari and Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Students
Abstract Views : 50 times,
Downloads : 32 times
Salafis and Khalafis Ulama Opinion: Discourses about Free Shipping Contract in Islamic Law
Abstract Views : 36 times,
Downloads : 27 times
The Role of Halal Certification in Protecting Indonesian and Thailand Producers and Consumers
Abstract Views : 45 times,
Downloads : 33 times
Strategic Investment in Football: A Comparative Global Analysis of Saudi Arabia's Approach
Abstract Views : 55 times,
Downloads : 26 times