Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Alhiwar: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknik Dakwah employs a stringent peer-review process to uphold the quality and authenticity of the research it publishes. The journal operates under a anonymous peer review system, ensuring anonymity for both authors and reviewers. Each article will be reviewed with two reviewers. Expert evaluators within the relevant fields conduct the review, assessing manuscripts based on scientific merit, originality, and alignment with the journal's scope.

Review Process:

1. Editor receiving manuscript from author;

2. The editor evaluate manuscript (journal aim and scope, in house style, supplementary data); 

3. Editor screening for plagiarism on offline and online database manually; (Contacted author if found redundancy or minor plagiarism for clarification)

4. Editor sends the manuscript to reviewer along with review form ( Both reviewer and author remain anonymous to each other);

5. Reviewer send back the review form to Editor (with revised manuscript if necessary);

6. Editor decision (rejected, require major revision, need minor revision, or accepted);

7. Confirmation to the Author.

This robust peer review ensures Alhiwar: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknik Dakwah publishes research with the highest scientific integrity and ethical standards, upholding quality and credibility.