Fungsi Hadits Nabi Muhammad SAW terhadap Al-Qur’an
hadits, sunnah, kully, al-tafsir, al-bayan, al-taqyiid, al-taqrir, alnaskh, bayan tasyri‘Abstract
The Qur'an is a holy book of Muslims, which contains the revelations of Allah. delivered to the Prophet Muhammad pbu. Its global content still needs clarity for people to be able to understand it properly. Prophet Muhammad pbu has authority to explain the unclear parts of the book through the Hadith or Sunnah. In this case, the books needs al-bayan, al-Tafsir al-tafshil, al-taqrir, perhaps even al-naskh derived from the prophet Muhammad pbu. He is acknowledged by the Qur'an as its "mubayyin". Therefore, the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad serves as the second source of Islamic teachings after the Qur'an. The scholars of ahl atsar and ahl ra'yi agreed that hadits explains the Qur'an. The scholars of ahl al-atsar expanded explained hadits, meanwhile ahl al-ra‟yi limited them. Fot the former, all true hadits about the problems mentioned in the al-Qur‟an should be considered as explaining the Qur'an, specifying its generality, and limiting its absolute partsReferences
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