Open Access Statement

Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin (JIIU) is committed to fully supporting open access to all published articles. We believe that the rapid and widespread dissemination of knowledge is essential for community development and academic progress.

Open Access

All articles published in JIIU are freely available and open for access, reading, downloading, and sharing by anyone, without cost or restriction. This upholds the principle that publicly funded research should be accessible to the public at no charge.

Creative Commons License

Articles published in JIIU are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), which permits users to:

  • Reproduce, distribute, and display the work.
  • Create derivative works from the content, provided that the original authors and the source of the article are duly credited.

Benefits of Open Access

  • Broader Dissemination of Knowledge: Open access enables scholarly works to be accessible to a global community, including researchers, practitioners, and the general public.
  • Enhanced Impact and Visibility: With unrestricted access, your articles have a greater likelihood of being downloaded, cited, and shared widely.
  • Fostering Global Collaboration: Open access allows research to be adopted and adapted across various countries, accelerating innovation and solutions to societal challenges.

We encourage authors and readers to take advantage of this open access initiative to disseminate knowledge and innovation for the betterment of society.