
  • Wardani Wardani Antasari State Islamic University of Banjarmasin



philosophy of science, integration of science, Islamic studies.


This article intends to examine the integration between Islamic studies and philosophy from the philosophy of science perspective. The focus of this study primarily focuses on Islamic studies in Islamic university in Indonesia, regarding the real conditions of its science seen from the perspective of philosophical learning. The second focus is the offer of the philosophy of science approach in developing Islamic studies. The article concludes that Islamic studies at the university are “poor of philosophy" because the direction of the study is mostly dominated by normative studies.  Therefore, as the first step, the bachelor degree in all faculties of Islamic university should study philosophy of science, it is also necessary to develop Islamic studies from the philosophy of science perspective, such as the philosophy proposed by Thomas Kuhn and Imre Lakatos.

Author Biography

Wardani Wardani, Antasari State Islamic University of Banjarmasin

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