
  • Muhammad Taufik Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University of Yogyakarta



Interaksi, Sosio-Relijius, Umat Beragama


This paper is the result of a field research that tries to trace the dynamics of rural communities related to interactions among religious people at Banguntapan Village, Yogyakarta. This research is appealing because village communities are still considered low and marginal class society; nevertheless in reality, they have local wisdom. The people of Banguntapan Village live in harmony, mutual cooperation –gotong royong- and are far from materialistic and luxurious life. This simple life creates their personalities that always respect each other, albeit different in religions, customs, and habits, which are apparent in the implementation of their socio-religious valuesthey have embraced so far.This research uses a qualitative method. This method is chosen because it emphasizes on the depth of value. It tries to answer how the choice of action is interpreted and given a certain meaning. The results of this study found that the religious conditions in Banguntapan village run well despite the potentials for friction. However, it can still be minimized with the spirit of togetherness. The people are so heterogeneous; almost all ethnic groups from Sabang to Merauke are living there. The original community of Banguntapan, in this case the Javanese, has an inclusive attitude towards the migrants from outside Banguntapan. The community is known to be open to migrant from any place, which is important to adapt and appreciate the Javanese tradition that is full of cultural manners. The socio-religious values in the interaction pattern among the people of Banguntapan Village community are always in the context of mutual relationship and mutual influence with other people in order to meet their needs and sustain their life. In fact, they assume that they have a meaning if there is another human being with whom they could interact. Social interaction that they understand is a form of socio-cultural dynamics that exist in the life of society.


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www.parasindonesia. com edisi desember 2006.




How to Cite

Taufik, M. (2018). NILAI SOSIO-RELIGIUS MASYARAKAT STUDI INTERAKSI ANTARUMAT BERAGAMA DI YOGYAKARTA. Khazanah: Jurnal Studi Islam Dan Humaniora, 16(1), 49–72.


