Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Author Guideline

The manuscripts submitted to Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika should be an original one that never been published before. Any manuscripts being processed by Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika should be not under consideration for publication in other journal or publication until there is a notification from Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika editorial board.

General Author Guidelines

  1. The Manuscript should be written in Indonesian or English and does not contain elements of plagiarism.
  2. The author should register as an author. The guides to register and submit the paper is shown at the end of this page.
  3. The Manuscript will be published in Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika after being reviewed by peer-reviewers.
  4. The Manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines and Template. The manuscript template can be downloaded here.
  5. Mu'adalah accepts manuscripts written in Bahasa or English in the form of scholarly article or research results which should be between 3000 – 5000 words. The manuscripts
  6. Authors are asked to write the manuscripts in a clear manner—using correct punctuation
  7. For non-native contributors who write their manuscripts in English, proofreading procedures is highly recommended prior to submission.
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
Structure of the manuscripts
The title should be short, clear, and informative, but does not exceed 15 words. It has to be pinpoint with the issues discussed. The article title does not contain any uncommon abbreviations. The main ideas should be written first and followed by its explanations.


Abstracts are written with a maximum of 150-200 words in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Abstracts must be clear and descriptive which provide a brief description of the problem under study. Abstract includes the reasons for choosing a topic or the importance of the topic of the research, research methods and summary of results.                                                        

Abstracts must end with comments about the importance of the results or concise conclusions. 


Keywords are the labels of your manuscript and critical to correct indexing and searching. Therefore the keywords should represent the concept that highlight your article. The keywords should be 3 to 5 keywords and typed with lower case letters except for proper nouns. Use only those abbreviations that are firmly established in the field. e.g. DNA. Each words/phrase in keyword. 


The introduction should briefly place the study in a broad context and highlight why it is important. It should define the purpose of the work and its significance. The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully, and key publications cited. Please highlight controversial and diverging hypotheses when necessary. Finally, briefly mention the main aim of the work and highlight the principal conclusions. As far as possible, please keep the introduction comprehensible to scientists outside your particular field of research. References should be cited as (Kamba, 2018) or (Marchlewska et al., 2019) or (Cichocka, 2016; Hidayat & Khalika, 2019; Ikhwan, 2019; Madjid, 2002) or (Miller & Josephs, 2009, p. 12) or Rakhmat (1989). See the end of the document for further details on references. Technical terms should be defined. Symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms should be defined the first time they are used. All tables and figures should be cited in numerical order.  


Basically this section explains how the research was conducted, which includes (1) the problem to be examined; (2) research objectives); (3) data collection techniques; (4) and data analysis techniques. 


The discussion in the article aims to: (1) answer the problem formulation and research questions; (2) shows how the findings were obtained; (3) interpret findings; (4) linking research findings to established knowledge structures; and (5) bringing up new theories or modification of existing theories. In answering the formulation of the problem and research questions, the results of the study must be concluded explicitly. Interpretation of findings is carried out using logic and existing theories. Findings in the form of reality in the field are integrated / linked with the results of previous studies or with existing theories. For this purpose there must be a reference. In bringing up new theories, old theories can be confirmed or rejected, some may need to modify theories from old theories.                           


The conclusion should answer the objectives of the research and research discoveries. The concluding remark should not contain only the repetition of the results and discussions or abstract. You should also suggest future research and point out those that are underway.


The literature listed in the References contains only the sources referenced or included in the article. We recommend preparing the references with a bibliography software package, such as Zotero to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated references. Referral sources should provide 80% of journal articles, proceedings, or research results from the last ten years. Writing techniques bibliography, using the system cites APA (American Psychological Association) Style and the 7th edition.