
  • Mila Hasanah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Antasari



The human as an individual who lives in this. world is a politician,like politics, and engaged in politics. Looking at the various politicalphenomenon, one issue that causes a lot of disagreement in Islam is apolitical problem or the relationship between religion and state in Islam.And the more urgent now is how the Qur'an Speaks about politics, otherissues are how political education in the perspective of the Qur'an,therefore the authors tried to explore the concept of politics andpolitical education in the Qur'an, by using the method of interpretationmaudhu'iy or thematic interpretation, the interpretation steps simplified.The word "politics" in Arabic translated words in .the Qur'an siyasahsynonymous with the word hukm and wisdom. Politicaleducation/tarbiyah siyasiyah is an effort to build and developconfidence and value in order to form the desired political personalitythrough the formation of orientation and political sensitivity of themembers to become politically active participants in the political life oftheir daily lives. The target to be achieved: the emergence of politicalconsciousness (wafyu siyasi), the formation of political personalities(dzat siyasiyah), and the emergence of active political participation(musharakah siyasiyah). There are three components of politicaleducation, namely: Orientation cognitive, affective, and evaluative.Political education process begins in childhood or adolescence. Mediathat can be used as intermediates in the politics of education, amongother things: family, schools, political parties, and the .means ofinformation. The characteristics of political education, ulil amri obeyorders, and the government is used as a tool for justice, prosperity,prosperity, security, peace and public tranquility.

Author Biography

Mila Hasanah, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Antasari

Dosen pada Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Antasari


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