Gambaran Kecanduan Gadget Anak Usia 9-12 Tahun


  • Suci Rachmayanti Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Hendriati Agustiani Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Langgersari Elsari Novianti Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Laila Qodariah Universitas Padjadjaran



The development of gadget is rapidly growing and started to be used by early child makes the usage of gadget increased and could issue an addiction. This study aims to see the description of gadget addiction in children age 9-12 years in Bandung. The sample technique used in this study is purposive sampling. Participant in this study is children age 9-12 years old in Bandung that is fit into the criteria that is using one or more gadget. The total amount of participant is 90 children who is permitted by parents to take part in the study. The measurement used in this study is a Digital Addiction Scale for Children (DASC). The result of this study shows that there is no gadget addiction in children age 9-12 years (significance 0.000 < α = 0,05), and there is no difference between boys and girls in the degree of gadget addiction (significance 0.418 > α = 0,05).

Author Biography

Suci Rachmayanti, Universitas Padjadjaran

Mahasiswa Magister Profesi Psikologi Klinis Anak dan Remaja


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How to Cite

Rachmayanti, S., Agustiani, H., Novianti, L. E., & Qodariah, L. (2023). Gambaran Kecanduan Gadget Anak Usia 9-12 Tahun. Jurnal Studia Insania, 10(2), 63–75.


