Legal Regulation of the Protection Of Children's Rights By European Standards: a Comparative Perspective


  • Alla Sotska National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit
  • Serhii Tryhub Odessa State University of Internal Affairs
  • Tetiana Voloshanivska Odessa State University of Internal Affairs
  • Vadym Kolomiiets Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs
  • Krystyna Rezvorovych Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs



The article studies the Council of Europe convention mechanism for the protection of children's rights. It is confirmed that the Council of Europe directs a significant part of its activities to support, develop and protect the rights of the child. Six Council of Europe conventions devoted to children themselves were analyzed. The European Convention on the Legal Status of Children Born Out of Wedlock and National Law recognize that there are no differences in the legal status of a child born out of wedlock and a child born in wedlock. The European Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions on Child Custody and on the Restoration of Child Custody of a "Child" recognizes a person of any nationality who has not reached the age of 16 and does not have the right to decide independently on their place of residence. The Convention on Contact with Children enshrines the mutual right of the child and his parents to contact, which in its content is wider than the right of parents and children to communicate with each other. The European Convention on the Adoption of Children (revised) contains a number of provisions with which the norms of family legislation Europe. The Convention provides for the adoption of a person who has not yet reached the age of 18, in Eastern Europe in exceptional cases, the adoption of an adult is allowed.


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