Enhancing Water Cooperation in Africa: The Role and Challenges of International Law in Managing Transboundary Resources
Transboundary water management in Africa presents significant challenges due to historical agreements, geopolitical tensions, and environmental pressures. This study investigates the role of international water law in fostering cooperation among riparian states, with a focus on Africa. The research identifies key challenges such as fragmented legal frameworks, limited institutional capacity, and unequal infrastructure development. Employing a mixed-methods approach, including normative legal analysis, case studies, and stakeholder interviews, the study examines the effectiveness of principles like equitable utilization and prevention of significant harm. The findings reveal gaps in implementing international conventions, hindered by political and economic disparities. However, successful cases, such as the Senegal River Basin management, highlight the potential for cooperative frameworks. Recommendations emphasize strengthening regional institutions, revising outdated treaties, and integrating community-based approaches. These strategies aim to align Africa's unique socio-political realities with international standards, ensuring sustainable water governance and reducing conflicts. The implications underscore the necessity of tailoring global frameworks to regional contexts, fostering both environmental and social equity.References
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Copyright (c) 2025 Franklin Oniemba Mundala, Muhammad Mutawalli Mukhlis, Maskun, Ahmad Masum, Yusuf Ibrahim Arowosaiye, Naswar

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