Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Numbered Head Together dalam Reading Text di Kelas XII IPS 2 pada SMAN 12 Banjarmasin Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017
Numbered Head Together can enhance cooperation among students. Cooperative learning model Numbered Head Together can improve student’s activity and learning outcomes in reading text Class XII IPS 2 at SMAN 12 Banjarmasin Lesson Year 2016/2017. The activity of students during the learning changes in cycle I is the most is enough student activity from 37 students there are 21 students (56.76%) whereas in cycle II the activity is not enough and the most excellent student activity is 27 students (72, 97%). Student learning outcomes in the complete cycle I amounted to 26 students (70.3%) increased to 34 students (91.9%), while the non-completeness of students decreased in the first cycle thereReferences
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