الهدي النبوي في التعامل مع الطاعون PROPHETIC GUIDANCE IN DEALING WITH THE PLAGUE

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Anis Pattanaprichawong


The research dealt with the impact of the Prophet’s guidance in dealing with the Corona Covid-19 pandemic, and the latter resulted in complex psychological, health and social effects and dimensions that affected all humanity and caused the harvest of hundreds of lives and souls.  To present to humanity, epidemiology and modern medicine the most effective solutions that have been proven by experimental science in charity and differential because they contain preventive health instructions that have contributed significantly to combating this pandemic, the most important of which are quarantine, personal hygiene and its means, in addition to other measures, as the research aims to achieve  Health goals and objectives to preserve the safety of humanity and its communities through preventive and sanitary measures, relying on the descriptive, analytical and inductive approach, so it came to the necessity of adhering to the idea of quarantine, commitment to measures of personal hygiene, and avoidance of respiratory droplets, which are considered the most dangerous methods of infection.  The Prophet in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic is a preventive, not a curative, treatment

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ـ القـرآن الكريم.

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ـ صحيح مسـلم، لمسـلم بن الحجّاج النيسـابوري (ت 261)، نشـر دار الجيل، بيروت.

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