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Ria Susanti
Ihda Ihromi


The Role of Housewives in Implementing Islamic Values to Children when Learning Online at Home During The Covid-19 Pandemic;The most identical role of women in the household is as educators and guides for the lives of their children. As it is often mentioned that "Al-Ummu al-Madrasah al-Ula" (Mother is the first madrasa/place of education for their children). Especially during the current pandemic, children are required to study online at home, which requires intensive assistance from parents, especially mothers. This article aims to describe the role of housewives in instilling Islamic values in their children when they study online at home during the covid-19 pandemic. The focus of research 1) what forms of Islamic education values are implemented; 2) how is the approach and 3) the method used by housewives in implementing Islamic educational values in children. This research is a qualitative research and field research, using the interview method. The data sources for this research are housewives with Islamic religious education backgrounds, such as alumni of Islamic boarding schools and madrasah, who also work in the public sphere, such as teachers, lecturers, judges, and so on.The research result: The values of Islamic education that are implemented by housewives to their children are the habit of praying, learning the Al-Qur'an/Iqra and other worship (Shari'ah Values). Mothers also implement the values of patience, persistence, discipline, and honesty in children when doing school assignments (Akhlak Values). The approaches include a value-planting approach such as through habituation and examples/examples and a cognitive moral approach such as through discussion and exposure. As for the method in the form of giving examples/teladan, then giving instructions to children to implement these values, also through giving advices so that children are encouraged to carry out these values, conducting discussions/dialogues with children related to these values, and giving punishments when the child does not execute the value.This article can be recommended for the reconstruction of Islamic religious education curriculum/materials, especially regarding the role of mothers in the family

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