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Annisa Norhikmah
Syahabuddin Nur
M. Nursalim Azmi


In this day and age, many diseases are endemic in Indonesia, one of which is the corona virus. Corona virus is an unexpected outbreak that can be called a health crisis. Corona virus is also an epidemic that quickly spreads to humans and it is recommended to maintain health. Everyone was instructed to keep their distance and wash their hands. At this time, social distanting is very much used to break the chain of epidemic transmission, including doing all kinds of work and education. One of the Islamic religious educations that has experienced the impact of covid 19 is learning morals. Moral creed is a very important lesson in every school because from learning the moral creed will grow good character in every student. This study aims to look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the learning process for teachers, students and includes also looking at the impact on parents who are temporary teachers at home as well as the obstacles and solutions that teachers make in teaching. This study uses qualitative research methods used to obtain information about the problems formulated by researchers and data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Then the data were analyzed descriptively by means of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for all parties (teachers, students and parents) is very large. The lack of knowledge about the use of technology and large expenditures are obstacles to the online learning process. The results obtained from this study are that with the existence of covid 19, teachers and students can take advantage of increasingly developing technology in learning morals. And the results of this study can be a guide for teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic by using developed technology in providing moral aqidah learning and making the moral aqidah learning delivered more interesting and innovative.

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