Pembacaan Teks Nashr Hamid Abu Zaid Atas Relasi Laki-Laki dan Perempuan


  • Muhammad Rusydi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin



relasi, teks, qir�ah muntijah, makna, signifikansi


This paper seeks to understand how the reading of text made by Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, especiallythe problem of relationships between men and women. His work which in directly related towomen's problems is Dawr al-Khauf. In the book, Abu Zaid had admitted that he wantedto do ijtih solving the women problems. For him the fundamental problem in Islam is text.According to him, alquran as a text when revealed has made dialogue with social and culturalaround it, especially the Arab community in which the quran was first revealed. The reading ofquran, then, necessitates not only ul al-quran but also humanities sciences such as semioticsand hermeneutics which could help us to reconstruct the intrinsic values of the quran. On thismethod, Abu Zaid has suggested productive interpretation, qiraah muntijah, in reading alquran.Furthermore, it has been found that alquran is actually very humanizing women, where it iscontradictory to the reality and the reading of Islamic texts today.




How to Cite

Rusydi, M. (2015). Pembacaan Teks Nashr Hamid Abu Zaid Atas Relasi Laki-Laki dan Perempuan. Muadalah, 3(2).