Unsur-Unsur Sekuler Dalam Feminisme


  • Zakiyah dan Ahmad Syadzali Institut Agama Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin




Gender Bias, Feminism, Equality, Secular, Hegemony


Feminism is a movement that is fighting for womens rights and for women as the mostinstrumental ones who enable humans to evolve and grow quantitatively. However,because in fact, their biological superiority are often neglected, they are sometimesunderestimated by the opposite sex who tend to manipulate them into merely humanreproduction machines, or even used as to satisfy biological needs, and were subjected tomore injustice. This fact has inspired feminist to fight for the justice in order to restore therights of women in equality. In this case, the writers have used the theory of desecrationbrowsing the secular nuances in feminist theology. At first, the feminism struggle doeshave a noble purpose. Yet, their empathy for the fate of the oppressed women have madethem to be overly sensitive and tends to be secular. They assume that religion has playeda role in the occurrence of inequality, such as the Verses or hadith of Misoginik which hasresulted in a gender bias and the emergence of hegemony that is detrimental to women




How to Cite

dan Ahmad Syadzali, Z. (2016). Unsur-Unsur Sekuler Dalam Feminisme. Muadalah, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.18592/jsga.v3i1.632