Tarbiyah : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan
<table style="height: 143px; width: 500px; background-color: #f5f5f5;" cellspacing="0,1"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 133px;"><strong><span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: 14px;">Journal Title</span></strong></td> <td style="width: 405px;"><strong>: <a href="https://jurnal.uin-antasari.ac.id/index.php/jtjik/management/settings/context//index.php/jtjik/index"><span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: 14px;">Tarbiyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan</span></a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 133px;"><strong><span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: 14px;">Abbreviation</span></strong></td> <td style="width: 405px;"><span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: 14px;">: <strong><span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: 14px;">JIK</span></strong></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 133px;"><strong><span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: 14px;">p-ISSN</span></strong></td> <td style="width: 405px;"><span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; 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font-size: 14px;">: The journal publishes research articles with the latest issues and trends in the field of national and international education. </span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p>Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesiaen-USTarbiyah : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan2088-6691<p><span><span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: 14px;">Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a </span><a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: 14px;">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</span></a><span> <span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: 14px;">that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</span></span></span></p>Board Game as An Evaluation Instrument for Classification of Living Things Material
<p>The aim of the research was to develop a board game on the classification of living things that were suitable for use by class VII students at MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. This research used the ADDIE method, which consists of 5 stages: analysis design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The time and place of this research were carried out in class VII at MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. This research was conducted from August to September 2023. Validation by media experts to assess the board game being developed, namely in terms of image, colour and writing aspects. Results of a large-scale student response questionnaire from 24 VII grade students. Experts rated the results of the research; the evaluation instrument obtained used an average of 66% (valid), the assessors from media experts obtained a score of 76% (valid), and science teachers obtained a score of 87,5% (valid), and student responses showed a positive valued with a score of 86%, in general students stated that the board game media was valid and easy to used. Furthermore, it could have been further developed towards the complexity aspect of the game on other science and biology topics that were more diverse and had their characteristics.</p>Trifonia Yulianti Bebe KakaYuswa IstikomayantiRiantina Fitra Aldya
Copyright (c) 2024 Trifonia Yulianti Bebe Kaka, Yuswa Istikomayanti, Riantina Fitra Aldya
2024-12-222024-12-2213211512310.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.11989Analysis of Mathematics Learning Difficulties in Material Greatest Common Factor Class VII
<p>In Class VII, some students still need help finding the most significant common factor of several numbers. This research aims to describe the difficulties experienced by students in finding the Greatest Common Factor (FPB) of several numbers. The subject of this research was 1 class VII student of SMPII Lukman Al-Hakim 02 Batam. The object of this research is the difficulty of learning mathematics in the Greatest Common Factor (FPB) material. The data collection technique in this research was conducting interviews, giving test questions, and documenting 1 class VII female student. Based on the interview results, it was clear that the student needed help working on the questions and understanding the FPB material. Apart from that, the test result showed that students were both in ordinary questions and stories; students are less able to do them, so they need repetition and learning to be done so that their understanding of the mathematics of the FPB material can be understood well. The difficulties were: (1) Students needed to correct their carrying out division calculation operations in FPB questions; (2) Students needed help concluding the final answers to FPB questions. This research implies that mathematics teachers must emphasize instilling the concept of FPB material, ensuring that students have mastered division arithmetic operations in solving FPB problems.</p>M Muthmainnah
Copyright (c) 2024 M Muthmainnah
2024-12-232024-12-2313212513510.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.12733Science Problem-Solving Dynamics: Gender and Personality Type Analysis in Students
<p>This study examines how problem-solving patterns in science among 9th-grade students correlate with different personality types based on Keirsey's classification: Idealist, Artisan, Guardian, and Rational. It employs the Investigation of Lived Experience methodology in Cognitive Psychology to delve into the internal experiences of 36 students from SMP Negeri 5 Bandung. The research explores gender distribution, school representation, and the prevalence of each personality type among the participants. Data collection methods include adapted questionnaires, written tests on earth and space science concepts, and follow-up interviews. These instruments are analyzed using the fixed comparison method to identify and understand distinct problem-solving tendencies associated with each personality type. Specifically, Idealists are found to prioritize understanding, Artisans employ intuitive-analogical approaches, Guardians rely on intuitive hypotheses, and rationalists utilize analogical reasoning. Overall, this study provides detailed insights into how personality types influence problem-solving strategies in science education. It suggests implications for personalized educational approaches tailored to individual student preferences and tendencies, aiming to enhance learning outcomes in 9th-grade science classrooms.</p>Rizky Agassy SihombingNaufal Rabah WahidinAdi RahmatNanang WinarnoYanti HamdiyatiAmir Karimi
Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Agassy Sihombing, Adi Rahmat, Nanang Winarno, Yanti Hamdiyati, Muslim, Taufik Rahman, Naufal Rabah Wahidin, Amir Karimi
2024-12-232024-12-2313213715310.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.13513Are There Misconceptions in My Class? Misconception Analysis with T3-SF (Three Tier-Test on Static Fluid)
<p>This study aims to identify the misconceptions of 20 students in class XI MIPA in one of the Senior High Schools in Sumedang Regency, Indonesia. The selection of research subjects used a random sampling technique. This research used a descriptive qualitative research design with a case study approach. The data collection technique in this study used T3-SF (Three Tier-Test on Static Fluid) to identify misconceptions in the submaterial of Hydrostatic Pressure, Pascal's Law and Archimedes' Law. Students did ten questions on Google Forms and processed them using Microsoft Excel. Based on this study, the majority of students, 88.5%, have misconceptions, 9% have understood the concept and 2.5% of students are in the category of not understanding the concept. It can be concluded that three concepts of static fluid, namely Hydrostatic Pressure, Pascal's Law and Archimedes' Law, are at a high level of misconception because more than 61%. Students of Pascal's Law material experience a high level of misconception (100%). Meanwhile, the lowest misconception from other question numbers is the question for Archimedes' Law material. The researcher also recommends that future studies further classify the misconception category into partial misconceptions, false negatives and false positives.</p>Devi Yulianty Surya AtmajaAchmad Samsudin
Copyright (c) 2024 Devi Yulianty Surya Atmaja, Achmad Samsudin
2024-12-242024-12-2413215517010.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.13518Teachers’ Language Assessment Literacy: Indonesian Secondary EFL Teachers’ Knowledge, Perspective, and Classroom Practice
<p>The primary objective of this study was to investigate secondary school EFL teachers' understanding, perspectives, and classroom practices regarding language assessment literacy. This research was conducted in three different backgrounds of schools. This study employed case study research and the theoritical framework of the Teachers Assessment Literacy Questionnaire (TALQ) proposed by Plake et al. The data was obtained by the questionnaire, interviews, and classroom observation, then analyzed using thematic analysis. The result showed that the teachers already had excellent knowledge and positive perspectives regarding assessment literacy. Their knowledge, perspective, and classroom practice involved a) the relevance between assessment method and instructional objectives, b) the development of assessment and management of learning outcomes, c) the benefits of assessment, d) the form of assessments, e) the ranking of assessments results f) unethical action in conducting assessment. This study might contribute to the teachers' carrying out assessments following standards, and educational institutions should be aware of the teachers' competency to increase teachers' competence and enthusiasm in carrying out better assessments.</p>Fury Yulia DamayantiEndang SetyaningsihSumardi Sumardi
Copyright (c) 2024 Fury Yulia Damayanti, Endang Setyaningsih, Sumardi Sumardi
2024-12-242024-12-2413217118510.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.13602Exploring The Rationality of Religious-Rational Islamic Thinkers Towards The Compatibility of The Islamic Education System
<p>Islamic education is often perceived as less relevant to contemporary demands due to its textual and normative approach. This research seeks to explore the rational perspectives of religious-rational Islamic thinkers regarding the compatibility of the Islamic education system in the 21st century, focusing on the scholars classified by Jawwad Ridla; Ikhwan Al-Shafa', Al-Farabi, Ibn Miskawaih, and Ibn Sina. Each thinker will be examined for their contributions to the Islamic education paradigm. This literature review aims to trace manuscripts, articles, and books related to the rationality of these thinkers and their views on the Islamic education system in the 21st century. The findings reveal the religious-rational epistemology of Islamic education and the perspectives of these thinkers on the compatibility of the Islamic education system with 21st-century needs. These four religious-rational Islamic thinkers collectively provide comprehensive insights into an Islamic education system that can be deemed appropriate for the current century. The implications of this research could enrich the discourse on modern Islamic thought by bridging traditional religious views with rational, modern approaches, thereby identifying Islamic universal values that remain relevant, applicable, and competitive in addressing the challenges of the 21st century and supporting the evolution of Islamic thought amidst contemporary dynamics.</p>Abdul Rahim KarimMuhammad Irfan HasanuddinAh. Zakki FuadM. Yunus Abu BakarMuhaemin MuhaeminArifuddin Arifuddin
Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Rahim Karim, Muhammad Irfan Hasanuddin, Ah. Zakki Fuad, M. Yunus Abu Bakar, Muhaemin, Arifuddin Arifuddin
2024-12-242024-12-2413218720810.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.13638Development of Accounting Learning E-Modules with a Guided Inquiry Approach to Increase Student Learning Motivation in Accounting Computer Subjects
<p>The application of the <em>guided inquiry </em>model is an alternative to increase student involvement during the learning process. This research aims to produce a learning E-module. The implication is that the guided inquiry-based accounting E-Module effectively boosts student motivation, makes learning more interactive and practical, and assists teachers in managing the classroom more efficiently. The implications of research on e-module development show great potential in enhancing the quality of learning by leveraging technology. E-modules can expand the accessibility of learning materials, enable more flexible and interactive learning, and support the diversity of learners' learning styles. This type of <em>research </em>is <em>research and development</em>. The results showed that the E-Module developed was feasible to use based on the assessment of material experts, media experts and learning practitioners as well as teacher and student responses. Based on the results of the gain test of 0.49, the learning E-Module was declared effective to increase students' learning motivation. The average value of the practicality test is 47.8 in the interval 42.25≤PR<52, meaning that the developed learning E-Module is very practical. While the results of the <em>paired samples T-test </em>(Sig 0.000 <0.05) concluded that there were differences in learning motivation before using the learning E-Module and after using the E-Module.</p>Adrianus Junaidi SubariSiswanto Siswanto
Copyright (c) 2024 Fikaria Tarigan, Adrianus Junaidi Subari, Siswanto Siswanto
2024-12-242024-12-2413220922710.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.13757Analysis of Item Response Theory in Science Literacy Assessment Containing Local Wisdom and Pancasila Student Profile
<p>Science literacy assessment is critical because it helps measure people's understanding of scientific concepts and ensures the effectiveness of science education. This study aimed to identify the quality of the instrument based on item response theory in assessing high school physics science literacy. This instrument is found in particle dynamics material. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The location of data collection was in three schools in Banjarmasin City. The sample was obtained by cluster random sampling. The validity of the Rasch program was obtained from the results of the fit order items compared to the MNSQ and ZSTD value criteria. The validity test and discriminatory power analysis results showed that three invalid questions had to be discarded. The results showed that the developed science literacy instrument had a level of difficulty in the middle, so the instrument was suitable for both high-ability and low-ability students. This study implies that this assessment can help students relate physics concepts to local culture, increasing the relevance of learning and producing students who are not only academically competent but also have social and cultural awareness.</p>Dewi DewantaraMustika WatiSri HartiniSurya HaryandiIsmi FajariahNuzuluna Aulia SyifaM Riduan Fitri
Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Dewantara, Mustika Wati, Sri Hartini, Surya Haryandi, Ismi Fajariah, Nuzuluna Aulia Syifa, M Riduan Fitri
2024-12-242024-12-2413222924310.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.13771From Hombo Batu to the Realm of Physics: Implementation of Ethnophysics-Based Mobile Learning to Increase Learning Independence and Learning Outcomes
<p>This study examines the effectiveness of Ethnophysics-based mobile learning (Hombo Batu) in enhancing students' learning independence and outcomes. This research is quantitative, employing a pretest-posttest control group design. The research sample consists of 23 students from class XIc as the control group, who received instruction using PowerPoint media, and 23 students from class XId as the experimental group, who received instruction using Ethno-Based Mobile Learning media. The study was conducted at Xin Zhong High School in Surabaya. The research instruments include learning outcome tests (pretest and posttest) and non-test instruments (learning independence questionnaires). The data analysis includes N-Gain analysis and Hotelling's Trace Multivariate Test (MANOVA). The results of the study indicate that learning with Ethno-Based Mobile Learning is more effective in enhancing learning independence compared to learning using PowerPoint, with an N-Gain value of 0.74 for learning independence and 0.79 for learning outcomes, as well as Hotelling's Trace results with a significance value of 0.00 (Ha accepted). The implication of using Ethno-Based Mobile Learning as a learning medium is that it can be utilized by Physics teachers to enhance students' learning independence and learning outcomes.</p>M. Reza Dwi SaputraManuela NiethammerHangga Novian Adi Putra
Copyright (c) 2024 M. Reza Dwi Saputra, Manuela Niethammer, Hangga Novian Adi Putra
2024-12-242024-12-2413224525710.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.13940Development of E-Handouts as Teaching Materials for the Sub-Concept of the Human Sensory System in Senior High School
<p>This study aims to describe the validity, readability, and student responses regarding the e-handout on the sub-concept of the human sensory system for 11th grade at SMA/MA. This type of research is a research and development study using the ADDIE model. The research is limited to the Development stage. Data analysis techniques are obtained through validity, readability, and student response tests. The results of the research were developed into an E-Handout. Based on the validity test results, the suitability achieved a percentage of 85,81% (very valid), and the feasibility validation received 87,11% (very valid). The readability test received a percentage of 88,68% (perfect). The student response test obtained a percentage of 89,15% (very good). This research highlights the importance of integrating technology into education and supporting the development of digital competencies among students relevant to the times' demands. The e-handout can enhance students' interest and engagement in learning, given the use of interactive and easily accessible digital learning materials. The conclusion is that the developed E-Handout has several unique characteristics, making it an engaging learning resource. These include a systematic presentation of material supported by clear images and illustrations.</p>Elis Shofiyatul WasilahKaspul KaspulAulia Azizah
Copyright (c) 2024 Elis Shofiyatul Wasilah, Kaspul Kaspul, Aulia Azizah
2024-12-252024-12-2513225927110.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.14009Structured Infographic Worksheet through Lesson Study in Improving Madrasa Students’ Writing Skills in Indonesian Language Subject
<p>This study examines the implementation of structured infographic worksheets within a lesson study framework to improve the writing skills of 10th-grade Madrasa students in Indonesian language classes. The participants included 30 students from a Madrasa in East Java, selected for their varied proficiency levels to represent a typical class composition. These students often deal with challenges in writing descriptive texts, including difficulties with vocabulary selection, grammatical accuracy, and organizing coherent ideas. This study uses a qualitative approach to evaluate how visual tools like structured infographic worksheets can enhance student engagement, collaboration, and writing performance. Data were collected through interviews guided by structured protocols, detailed observation sheets, and rubric-based analysis of student work, all organized around the lesson study cycle (Plan, Do, See). The data were analyzed using thematic analysis to identify patterns of improvement. The findings reveal substantial enhancements in content organization, language use, coherence, and creativity. When integrated with collaborative lesson study practices, structured infographic worksheets effectively meet the educational needs of Madrasa students and improve their writing skills.</p>Achmad FawaidLaili Yetus SolehahRidhatullah Assya'bani
Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Fawaid, Laili Yetus Solehah, Ridhatullah Assya'bani
2024-12-252024-12-2513227329010.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.13849Profile of High School Student’s Scientific Literacy to Support SDGs’13 (Climate Action) on the Global Warming Phenomenon
<p>The low level of scientific literacy skills is attributed to the lack of application of scientific literacy principles, the inability to interpret tables and graphs, and students' limited understanding of basic scientific concepts related to the SDGs'13. This research aims to analyze the scientific literacy abilities of 10<sup>th</sup>-grade students at SMAN 1 Surabaya in relation to supporting SDGs'13 on the Global Warming Phenomenon. The research method used is descriptive and mixed method approach. The research design involves an explanatory sequential design. The research findings indicate that the average score of 10<sup>th</sup> grade students at SMAN 1 Surabaya is 65.2, which falls within the satisfactory category. Factors contributing to the suboptimal scientific literacy abilities include the inadequate application of scientific literacy competencies in teaching, teacher’s not to familiarize students with scientific analysis of phenomena, and the continued use of conventional teaching methods. There is a lack of experimental activities that encourage students to engage with scientific data and produce experimental reports. Therefore, there is a need for innovative learning methods and tools, such as integrating the topic of global warming with the SDGs'13 climate action concept and implementing a problem based learning model. These approaches aim to foster critical thinking and environmental awareness among students, enabling them to address global issues and contribute to environmental preservation in the face of climate change. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that knowledge about preventing climate change can be applied by students in their daily lives in the long term.</p>Nurita Apridiana LestariWinda PratiwiRizki Fitri Rahima UulaaEko HariyonoMadlazim Madlazim
Copyright (c) 2024 Nurita Apridiana Lestari, Winda Pratiwi, Rizki Fitri Rahima Uulaa, Eko Hariyono, Madlazim
2024-12-252024-12-2513229131110.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.13787The Dinamics of Islamic Religious Education Curriculum and Religious Science Integration in Islamic Boarding School
<p>This research aims to analyze the curriculum dynamics of Islamic religious education and the integration of religious sciences in Islamic boarding schools (pondok pesantren). As traditional Islamic educational institutions, pesantren have undergone significant changes in curriculum dynamics and the integration of religious sciences. The study employs a qualitative methodology with historical and phenomenological approaches to understand the adaptation process. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with pesantren administrators, teachers, and alumni, supported by a literature review. The subjects of this research are Islamic boarding schools (pondok pesantren) in South Kalimantan, while the object of the study is the dynamic integration of Islamic religious education and religious sciences within these institutions. The findings reveal that pesantren in South Kalimantan have successfully integrated traditional curricula, focusing on religious studies (salafiyah), with modern curricula that include general sciences (khalafiyah). Darul Ilmi Islamic Boarding School adaptation not only aims to maintain the relevance of pesantren education in the modern era but also addresses the increasingly complex needs of society. The study concludes that the curriculum dynamics of pesantren represent a strategic response to contemporary challenges, with significant implications for the development of Islamic education in Indonesia.</p>Hasni Noor
Copyright (c) 2024 Hasni Noor
2024-12-252024-12-2513231332210.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.14010Analysis of the Ability to Understand Mathematical Concepts Based on Student Learning Styles in Calculus Courses
<p>Understanding mathematical concepts can make a person's understanding of mathematics more complex. However, in reality, students memorize mathematics without developing a strong understanding of the concept. On the other hand, learning style is a student's way of processing the information obtained to build an understanding of mathematical concepts. Based on these two things, this research analyzes students' ability to understand mathematical concepts in solving calculus-related problems by considering learning styles, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were students in the first semester of the Informatics Engineering Department at Universitas Islam Lamongan. Data was collected by using questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The research results show that students with auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning styles are categorized as very good on the indicator of restating concepts, with an average of 84%, 92%, and 81%. Students with an auditory learning style are categorized as very good in presenting examples and non-examples, averaging 72%. Visual and kinesthetic are categorized as good, averaging 64% and 67%. For indicators connecting various concepts, students with auditory and visual learning styles are categorized as poor, with an average of 38% and 36%. In contrast, kinesthetics are categorized as good, with an average of 55%.</p>Nur Qomariyah NawafilahMasruroh Masruroh
Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Qomariyah Nawafilah, Masruroh Masruroh
2024-12-252024-12-2513232333210.18592/tarbiyah.v13i2.14130The Use of Cell Phones in Accessing Social Media by Students During Learning Process in English Classroom
<p>This study investigates a phenomenon in the educational world: using cell phones during teaching and learning in English classes. Cell phones here are referred to as inappropriate use, not as a supportive device in teaching and learning, reducing students' attention span. This research was conducted in 2 high schools, one in Lombok City, West Nusa Tenggara, and one in Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan. Fifteen students were involved in this research as respondents, and 2 English teachers as informants. Random sampling was used to determine the research sample. Interview techniques were used to collect data. The research results indicated that all respondents used cell phones to access their social media accounts during the teaching and learning process in the class, ranging from 5 minutes to 30 minutes in 1 lesson to reduce boredom in class. A negative impact of using cell phones is that this action can divide and reduce students' attention to the lessons, which can ultimately reduce students' understanding of English subjects. The study recommends that teachers be aware of this phenomenon and always activate the students by presenting appropriate teaching methods and materials.</p>Ridha FadillahAkhmad Adi Purnawarman
Copyright (c) 2024 Ridha Fadillah, Akhmad Adi Purnawarman