Al-Hiwar Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknik Dakwah 2024-12-08T03:08:11+00:00 Nadzmi Akbar [email protected] Open Journal Systems <div class="deskripsi"> <p><em>Journal Title : Alhiwar: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknik Dakwah<br />ISSN : P-ISSN 2354-9068 | <span style="text-decoration: underline;">E-ISSN 2579-9851</span><br />Editor in Chief : Nadzmi Akbar<br />Managing Editor : Willy Ramadan<br />Publisher : Faculty Dawah and Communication Science UIN Antasari Banjarmasin<br />Frequency : 2 issues per year (June and December)<br /></em></p> <p><strong>ISSN: 23549068</strong> (print version), <strong>25799851</strong> (electronic version)</p> </div> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em><strong>Alhiwar: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknik Dakwah</strong> </em>promotes normative and empirical inquiry into dawah and communication science. The journal publishes articles in <strong>Media, Communication and broadcasting (Islamic, Dawah and Social Context), Counselling and Guidance (Islamic, Education and Social Context), and Management (Da’wah Context, Islamic Institution, and Islamic Community)</strong> as well as articles that approach the role of da’wah in media and society from a historical, psychological, sociological, or anthropological standpoint.</p> <p>It is an <strong>open access</strong> and <strong>peer-reviewed journal</strong>, first published in 2013, by the Faculty of Dawah and Communication Science UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. <strong>Frequency: 2 issues/year (June and December)</strong>. <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN : P-ISSN 2354-9068</a> | <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN 2579-9851</a></span></em></p> <p>All papers should be submitted to the journal via online system. If you haven't submitted a paper to this journal before, you will need to create an account here to <a href="">register.</a> If failed, please contact us at: <a href="[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.<br /><br />This Journal in coorporation with Perhimpunan Ahli Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PABKI</a>) </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> Analysis of Persuasive Messages on TikTok Influencer 'Relationship' Content: Its Impact on Audience Behavior 2024-10-15T02:48:30+00:00 Nasyifa Mawar Septiyani [email protected] Andre Rahmanto [email protected] Mahfud Anshori [email protected] <p>This study analyzes the use of persuasive communication in TikTok content @nmaliccaa, which focuses on relationship tips. The study aims to find out how persuasive communication is in Relationship content on the TikTok account @nmaliccaa. This research uses Carl Hovland's persuasive communication theory to explore the application of persuasive communication techniques by TikTok creator @nmaliccaa in her Relationship content. The method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative and content analysis; we observe specific video content that discusses Relationships. The results of the analysis show that @nmaliccaa effectively uses persuasive communication techniques from Onong Uchana Effendy, such as association, integrity, rewards, order, and red-herring. The use of relaxed, personal, and relevant language to the audience's experience, as well as the delivery of solutions to common problems in relationships, are the keys to @nmaliccaa's success in influencing her audience. @nmaliccaa's content on Relationships has succeeded in attracting a wide audience and triggering behavioural change. This study confirms TikTok's potential as an effective platform for spreading persuasive messages and inspiring behavioural change.</p> 2024-12-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nasyifa Mawar Septiyani, Andre Rahmanto, Mahfud Anshori The Relationship between Self Boundaries and People Pleaser Behavior in Islamic Guidance and Counseling Students at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta / Hubungan Self Boundaries Terhadap Perilaku People Pleaser Pada Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam di UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta 2024-10-23T07:26:45+00:00 Farras Raisa Zalika [email protected] Athia Tamyizatun Nisa [email protected] <p>Self boundaries are important for students to apply in everyday life in order to have clear boundaries. The impact of individuals who do not have clear and firm self-boundaries causes people pleaser behavior. Self boundaries play a role in helping efforts to deal with mental and emotional well-being. This study aims to determine the relationship between self boundaries and people pleaser behavior in Islamic Guidance and Counseling students at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta. The research method used in this study is quantitative with a correlational approach. The sample technique uses systematic random sampling, the sample of this study is Islamic Guidance and Counseling students at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta which is obtained by 112 students. The results of the data analysis of this study using Pearson product moment correlation hypothesis test produced a value with a significance value of 0.000. These results indicate that there is a significant relationship between self boundaries and people pleaser behavior in Islamic Guidance and Counseling students at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta with a significant and positive direction.</p> 2024-12-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Farras Raisa Zalika, Athia Tamyizatun Nisa Self-actualization of KIP Scholarship Recipient Students / Aktualisasi Diri Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa Kartu Indonesia Pintar 2024-11-05T00:43:17+00:00 Sinta Rahmatil Fadhilah [email protected] Nur Aeni Sanjaya [email protected] Siti Aminah [email protected] Donal Saputra [email protected] Putri Nurdiani [email protected] <p>Students are helped financially by scholarships provided by the government, universities or other institutions. The scholarships received by students are able to make them more independent and free to be creative, there is satisfaction and a sense of pride present in the students who receive these scholarships. So this research aims to explore the self-actualization of students who receive the Smart Indonesia Card scholarship. This research is expected to provide insight into the factors that influence the self-actualization process, as well as support from various parties, including educational institutions and the government. This type of research is qualitative research with data collection techniques of unstructured interviews and non-participant observation. Informants in this study were selected using snowball sampling techniques. The informants in this research were students who received Smart Indonesia Card scholarships at UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi and UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. The results of this research show that the Smart Indonesia Card scholarship is able to meet students' basic needs. By fulfilling these basic needs, students are able to actualize themselves. The description of self-actualization possessed by students who receive Smart Indonesia Card scholarships at UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi and UIN Antasari Banjarmasin includes feeling happy, more creative, better able to maximize potential, self-confident, independent and prosocial.</p> 2024-12-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sinta Rahmatil, Nur Aeni Sanjaya, Siti Aminah, Donal Saputra, Putri Nurdiani Exploration of the Da'wah Message in the Popular Song “Alamate Anak Sholeh” / Eksplorasi Pesan Dakwah Pada Lagu Populer "Alamate Anak Sholeh" 2024-11-05T03:03:06+00:00 Luthfi Ulfa Ni'amah [email protected] Clara Sinta Pratiwi [email protected] Muchamad Rudi Cahyono [email protected] <p>Da'wah using the medium of songs is being loved among society, especially among young people. None other than the supporting factors of technology and the reach of access in the digital world are increasingly massive. The song entitled "Alamate Anak Sholeh" which is taken from the book Busyrol Karim written by Syaikh H. Rois Yahya Dahlan As Syarof is distributed through various social media platforms, one of which is. So the aim of this research is to see that deeper meaning is needed to understand and absorb the message of Islamic values. Using Charles Sanders Pierce's semiotic method is appropriate to describe the signs contained in each stanza. The results of the categorization of Sharia preaching messages show the message that it is the obligation of a Muslim to believe and follow the Shari'a, the moral category that dominates the lyrics is the four characteristics of pious children, and the Sufism category that every creature needs dependence on Allah SWT.</p> 2024-12-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Luthfi Ulfa Ni'amah, Clara Sinta Pratiwi, Muchamad Rudi Cahyono Facing Competition: Educational Marketing Strategy at Madinah Karyatani Modern Islamic Boarding School / Menghadapi Persaingan: Strategi Pemasaran Pendidikan di Pondok Modern Madinah Karyatani 2024-10-01T12:56:59+00:00 Oki Dermawan [email protected] Susi Rahmawati [email protected] Defriyanto Defriyanto [email protected] Busmayaril Busmayaril [email protected] <p>Madinah Karyatani Modern Islamic Boarding School, a modern Islamic boarding school, is currently facing intensified competition from other educational institutions. This necessitates the adoption of effective educational marketing strategies to maintain and enhance its competitive position in the educational market. This study investigates the marketing strategies employed by Madinah Karyatani Modern Islamic Boarding School to promote its educational services. A qualitative research approach, utilizing in-depth interviews and observations with key informants, such as management, teaching staff, and students, was employed. The findings highlight the strategic use of Arabic and English in promotional materials, partnerships with other educational institutions, and the utilization of social media to attract prospective students from diverse regions. These strategies indicate a shift in the institution’s approach to education in response to a growing demand for value-based education in a globalized context. The novelty of this research lies in its exploration of modern marketing strategies in Islamic education and provides insights into responsive strategy development that addresses the dynamics of the educational market.</p> 2024-12-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Oki Dermawan, Susi Rahmawati Level of Religious Moderation of Students: Survey Analysis of Attitudes and Behavior / Tingkat Moderasi Beragama Mahasiswa: Analisis Survei Terhadap Sikap dan Perilaku 2024-10-23T00:26:16+00:00 Ishlakhatus Sa'idah [email protected] Amaliah Aryani [email protected] Akmalul Umam [email protected] Toifur [email protected] <p>This study aims to examine the level of religious moderation among students of the Islamic Education Guidance and Counselling Study Program at IAIN Madura. Using a survey method, this study involved 151 students from the 2021–2024 intake who were selected through purposive random sampling. Data were collected using a religious moderation scale that measures dimensions such as national commitment, tolerance, anti-violence attitudes, and accommodation of local culture. The results of the analysis show that 60% of students have a moderate attitude in religion with high tolerance for differences of opinion. However, there are factors such as family background and previous educational experiences that influence this attitude. The conclusion of the study highlights that although the level of religious moderation is in a good position, challenges in accommodating local culture and commitment to nationality still need to be overcome. Therefore, strategic steps are needed, including the development of an integrative curriculum and the involvement of local communities, to improve religious moderation among students. These findings are expected to be a reference for further research in the field of religious moderation and education.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ishlakhatus Sa'idah, Amaliah Aryani, Akmalul Umam, Toifur Self-Management in Married Students (Case Study on BKPI Students UIN Antasari Banjarmasin) / Manajemen Diri pada Mahasiswa yang Sudah Menikah (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi BKPI UIN Antasari Banjarmasin) 2024-11-01T01:43:00+00:00 Widiya Radiani [email protected] Muhammad Khaitami A [email protected] <p>This research is motivated by the phenomenon of dual roles faced by married students, particularly in managing their studies and household responsibilities. This issue draws attention because the increasing academic and domestic demands often trigger stress and require good self-management. This research aims to explore how self-management is applied by married students. The method used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews and observations of two married female students at the State Islamic University of Antasari Banjarmasin. The research results show that married students can demonstrate good self-management through aspects of self-motivation, self-organization, self-control, and self-development. The subject successfully balanced household duties and studies with the support of their partner and the ability to manage time and tasks efficiently.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 WIDIYA RADIANI, Muhammad Khaitami A