Alhadharah: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah <p><em><strong>Alhadharah: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah</strong></em> promotes normative and empirical inquiry into dakwah and communication. The journal publishes articles in communication and broadcasting Islam, dakwah and media, Islamic counseling, dakwah management, and philosophy of dakwah, as well as articles that approach the role of dakwah in media and society from a historical, psychological, sociological, or anthropological standpoint.</p> <p><em><strong>Alhadharah: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah</strong></em> mempromosikan kajian normatif dan empiris terhadap dakwah dan komunikasi. Jurnal ini menerbitkan artikel dalam bidang komunikasi dan penyiaran Islam, dakwah dan media, bimbingan dan penyuluhan Islam, manajemen dakwah, dan filsafat dakwah, serta artikel yang mendekati peran dakwah di media dan masyarakat dari sudut pandang sejarah, psikologi, sosiologi, atau antropologi.</p> <p>Alhadharah: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah is accreditated SINTA 3 (SK: 225/E/KPT/2022) valid from Vol 21(1) 2022 - Vol 25 (2) 2026 by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. </p> UIN Antasari Banjarmasin en-US Alhadharah: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah 1412-9515 <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">Penulis yang menerbitkan karyanya di jurnal ini menyetujui persyaratan berikut:</p><ol><li>Penulis memegang hak cipta dan memberikan jurnal hak publikasi pertama dengan karya yang secara bersamaan dilisensikan di bawah <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License</a> <span>(CC BY-NC 4.0) </span>yang memungkinkan orang lain untuk berbagi karya dengan pengakuan kepenulisan karya dan publikasi awal dalam jurnal ini.</li><li>Penulis dapat membuat pengaturan kontrak tambahan yang terpisah untuk distribusi non-eksklusif dari versi jurnal yang diterbitkan dari karya tersebut (misalnya, mempostingnya ke repositori institusional atau menerbitkannya dalam sebuah buku), dengan pengakuan publikasi awalnya di jurnal ini.</li><li>Penulis diizinkan dan didorong untuk memposting karya mereka secara daring (misalnya, di repositori institusional atau di situs web mereka) sebelum dan selama proses pengiriman, karena dapat menghasilkan pertukaran yang produktif, serta kutipan lebih awal dan lebih besar dari karya yang diterbitkan Lihat <a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li></ol><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm; 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document.onselectstart = null; document.ondragstart = null; document.body.oncut = null; document.onmousedown = null; document.body.oncontextmenu = null; document.body.oncopy = null; document.body.ondragstart = null; document.body.onmousedown = null; // ]]></script> Strategi Komunikasi Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam Dalam Konseling Pranikah Sebagai Terapi Bagi Calon Pengantin <p>Pre-marital guidance plays a pivotal role as the initial gateway to fostering a harmonious marriage characterized by tranquility, affection, and compassion, thereby strategically contributing to the reduction of divorce rates. This research aims to elucidate the Communication Strategies of Islamic Community Guidance of Garut Regency in Pre-marital Counseling for Couples, focusing on understanding the audience, composing messages, determining methods, and selecting media. The research utilized a descriptive qualitative approach, incorporating data collection techniques such as observation, in-depth interviews, literature review, and documentation. Anwar Arifin's Communication Strategy Theory was applied for data analysis. The findings unveiled a four-phase communication strategy employed by the <em>Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam</em> of Garut Regency: 1) audience understanding through observing community habits, profiling prospective couples, and identifying characteristics; 2) message crafting covering attention, delineating materials for fostering a harmonious family, and generating interest through interactive activities; 3) adopting an informative approach for material delivery while incorporating diverse methods tailored to participants' needs; 4) adapting media choices based on local situations and community conditions, leveraging widely favored social media platforms.</p> Saraswati Sidiq Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi R. Ismira Febrina Copyright (c) 2024 Saraswati Sidiq, Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi, R. Ismira Febrina 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 23 1 1 22 10.18592/alhadharah.v23i1.12155 Islam and Environmental Protection: The Implementation of Ecological Dakwah in the Makassar "Zero Waste" Community <p><strong>ABSTRA</strong><strong>CT</strong></p> <p>Efforts to reduce waste need to continue to be declared. This is important because an increase in the amount of waste will have an impact on the environment and lead to numbers of problems in life. The production of waste is influenced by a variety of factors. Among them is an understanding of waste handling and consumer lifestyle. However, there are still groups of people who care about environmental conservation. One of them is the "Zero Waste" community of Makassar. The aim of this research is to find out the implementation of the ecological perspective in the “Zero Waste” community as an effort to preserve the environment and reduce the waste result. The method used is qualitative descriptive, with the use of description analysis on the community. Data collection techniques using interviews and documentation. The results of this research shows that the implementation of ecological perspectives in the “Zero Waste” community includes 1) <em>dakwah bil-lisan,</em> in the form of providing training, becoming speaker and educating the public; 2) <em>dakwah bil-kitabah,</em> promoting waste management through social media communities; and 3) <em>dakwah bil-hal,</em> implementing a “waste fasting” lifestyle and collaborating with related stakeholders such as government and private agencies.</p> <p><strong>KEYWORDS</strong> Ecological Dakwah, Environment, Islam, Zero Waste Community</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Ihsan Mz Isnaeni Marhani Andi Halima Copyright (c) 2024 Ihsan Mz; Isnaeni Marhani; Andi Halima 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 23 1 23 34 10.18592/alhadharah.v23i1.12406 Manakib dalam Tradisi Masyarakat Banjar: Analisis Antropologis dengan Pendekatan Dakwah Kultural <p>Reading <em>manakib</em> is a tradition that has been carried out for generations by the Banjar people. Reading manakib is believed to be a good tradition, because religion and culture are two elements that continuously interact and influence each other. The reading of <em>manakib</em> from an anthropological perspective does not arise by itself, but through a long process and intersects with the concept of shifts in society and culture. This study aims to examine the meaning of <em>manakib</em> according to the Banjar community. This study is a field study (field research) which examines the tradition of reading <em>manakib</em> of figures who are believed to be <em>Wali Allah</em> in the beliefs of the Banjar people. Primary data in this study is information related to the tradition of reading manakib in the Banjar tradition, while secondary data is supporting information related to the study. The result of this research is that the practice of reading <em>manakib</em> in the Banjar community tradition is believed to be a religious practice that has social effects. People also believe that their lives will be more spacious and blessed, thus making them better individuals in living their lives. Despite the doubts and even distrust of certain parties regarding the power of <em>manakib</em>, Evans-Pritchard stated that the way to understand society must be from within, not through literature or observation as an outsider. In order to gain a complete understanding of a phenomenon, researchers must enter and live together with the community they are researching. The Banjar people’s reading of the <em>manakib</em> of <em>Wali Allah </em>is in line with the principle of cultural da'wah which elaborates local culture as a means of da'wah.</p> Bayani Dahlan Tarwilah Nada Rahmatina Copyright (c) 2024 Bayani Dahlan, Tarwilah, Nada Rahmatina 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 23 1 35 49 10.18592/alhadharah.v23i1.11638