Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah2024-09-15T06:15:48+00:00Dr. Makherus Sholeh, M.Pd.I[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Al-Adzka: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah</strong> is an academic, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that is online publishes two times in a year. Al-Adzka aims to provide a platform for the publication of the most advanced high-quality research Elementary Education/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah level. Al-Adzka provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public to support a greater global exchange of knowledge. </p> <p><strong>Al-Adzka: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah</strong> is published by Department of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Antasari Banjarmasin in <a href="">collaboration</a> with Indonesian Islamic Elementary Education Lecturers Association (Perkumpulan Dosen PGMI Indonesia). Publishing twice a year, in January-June and July-December and already have a registration number p-ISSN: <a href="">2088-9801</a> and e-ISSN: <a href="">2597-937X</a> published by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). DOI Prefik <a href="">10.18592/aladzkapgmi</a></p> <p><strong>Al-Adzka: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah</strong> has been accredited <strong><a href="!">SINTA 3</a> </strong>at December 30th, 2022 by Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education <strong>(RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia</strong> as an scientific journal in Director Decree (<strong>SK Dirjen No. 230/E/KPT/2022</strong>) and <strong><a href="">Certified</a></strong> and effective until 2026.</p> of Project-Based Learning in IPAS Subjects at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah: A Progressivism Perspective2024-08-10T09:02:41+00:00Putri Sekar Sari[email protected]Maemonah Maemonah[email protected]<p>Education is one of the most essential parts of advancing a nation. To realize quality education, it is necessary to have guidelines for planning and implementing quality learning. This study aims to analyze the extent to which the implementation of project-based learning in IPAS (Integrated Natural and Social Sciences) subjects in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah aligns with the philosophical principles of progressivism. This research adopts a qualitative approach grounded in progressivist philosophy. The methodology employed is library research, drawing on data from various sources, including books and research articles published in the last decade (2015-2024), conference proceedings, and other materials pertinent to the research topic. Upon collecting all relevant data, the analysis was conducted systematically, involving data reduction, data display, and the drawing of conclusions. The study's findings indicate that the application of project-based learning in IPAS subjects is consistent with the principles of progressivism. Specifically, this approach promotes student-centred learning with teachers as facilitators, guides, and mentors. It encourages active student participation and fosters a collaborative learning environment where everyone is engaged and part of the educational process, focusing on material comprehension and problem-solving. The implications of this research suggest that it could enhance the quality of education by fostering more innovative and creative learning experiences. However, the study does acknowledge certain limitations, particularly concerning the range of research sources utilized and the implementation of the research. Therefore, it is recommended that future researchers expand upon this work by incorporating field research methodologies.</p>2024-08-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Sekar Sari, Maemonah Maemonah Schools in Primary Education Institutions2024-08-15T10:45:09+00:00Rahmad Rahmad[email protected]Nur Inayah Syar[email protected]Syahmidi Syahmidi[email protected]Mualimin Mualimin [email protected]<p>This study aims to identify the implementation of five indicators of Child-Friendly Schools at SDN SN Karang Mekar 1, Banjarmasin City. This study's research type is qualitative descriptive research, utilizingmethods such as interviews, observations, and document analysis. This study found that the written policy indicators have been well implemented by declaring a commitment to non-violence and creating a safe student environment. Child-friendly learning processes are implemented with a non-violent and fun approach, supporting an inclusive learning atmosphere. Training for teachers on children's rights has created a school atmosphere that supports students' holistic development. Although school facilities are adequate, improved accessibility for children with special needs is still needed. In addition, students' participation in extracurricular activities is good, but their decision-making involvement still needs improvement. The implications of the findings suggest the need for more robust policies, continuous training, and improved infrastructure and student participation to realize entirely child-friendly schools.</p>2024-09-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmad Rahmad, Nur Inayah Syar, Syahmidi Syahmidi, Mualimin Mualimin of Canva-Based Interactive Animation Media in Enhancing Learning Interest of Second-Grade Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students 2024-09-07T18:02:23+00:00Raudhatul Fitriyah[email protected]Fitri Hilmiyati[email protected]Juhji Juhji[email protected]<p>This research is motivated by the low interest of students in learning the material 'The Word of Invitation and the Word of Refusal', which indicates the need for a method that can be used to improve the learning process. The Word of Invitation and the Word of Refusal' which indicates the need for a more effective learning method. This study aims to analyze the Effect of Canva-based interactive animation media on the interest of 2nd-grade students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Masarratul Muta'allimin in Banten Province. A quasi-experimental design involved 56 students divided into experimental and control groups. Student interest data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using normality, homogeneity, and t-tests. The t-test results indicated a significant difference between the two groups, with a t value of -27.117 (p = 0.000) and an average difference of 19.036. These results suggest that Canva-based interactive media significantly enhances students' interest in learning compared to conventional methods. Canva-based interactive media can effectively increase student engagement. Recommendations for educational practice include integrating interactive media into classroom learning to boost student involvement. Further research is recommended to explore the long-term impact of this media on students' academic performance.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Raudhatul Fitriyah, Fitri Hilmiyati, Juhji Juhji of ICT-Based Problem-Based Learning Model to Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills in IPAS Learning in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah2024-08-25T02:06:40+00:00Alifia Khairullina[email protected]Andi Prastowo[email protected]<p>Transformation in the education system is needed to meet the needs of the 21st century, which emphasizes critical, creative, and collaborative thinking skills. This study aims to explore the implementation of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in improving higher-order thinking Skills (HOTS) in learning Natural and Social Sciences (IPA) in West Lombok Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. This research used a descriptive qualitative method, with data collected through interviews, observations, documentation, and HOTS written tests. Data analysis used the theory of Miles and Huberman data reduction, condensation, data display and conclusion drawing. Students involved in this method are more motivated and active in learning, especially with ICT tools such as Quizizz and computer simulations that make it easier to understand learning concepts. The implementation of ICT-based PBL not only improves students' higher-order thinking skills but also makes learning more exciting and contextualized. Despite challenges such as limited technological infrastructure, this approach has significantly impacted learning in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alifia Khairullina, Andi Prastowo the Development of Social Skills in First-Grade Elementary School Children2024-08-31T04:48:09+00:00Nyak Mutia Ismail[email protected]Zaiyana Putri[email protected]Moriyanti Moriyanti[email protected]Endah Anisa Rahma[email protected]<p>This study explores how social skills are performed among first-grade elementary school children, focusing on key competencies such as communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution. Through qualitative observations and analyses, the study examines how individual differences influence children's social interactions and ability to adapt to structured educational environments. The data were collected using interview guides and documentation, which were later analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings reveal that there are three significant notes. First, regarding the communication pattern, the children are more intimate and relaxed when talking to peers and feel more serious when talking to teachers. Second, their ability to cooperate is shown in taking turns. Third, in resolving the anger conflict, they mostly stay silent, believing that it will disappear, and they find their teachers to help end the conflict. It is later concluded that first-grade children adapt their social skills based on context, showing different communication styles, cooperation, and conflict-resolution strategies with peers and adults. This implies that school teachers must pay attention to the student's ability to develop their social skills.</p>2024-10-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nyak Mutia Ismail, Zaiyana Putri, Moriyanti Moriyanti, Endah Anisa Rahma and Utilization of Domino Card Media in Thematic Learning of Mathematics for Elementary School Students2024-09-15T06:15:48+00:00Siti Asiya[email protected]Khotibul Umam[email protected]Andi Suhardi[email protected]Alcher J. Arpilleda[email protected]<p>Learning media can facilitate students' and educators' teaching and learning processes by increasing students' learning motivation. Learning media attract students' attention and act as a conduit for messages between educators and students. They make the material easier to understand and prevent boredom. This study aims to 1) Produce Domino Card learning media for Mathematics for class II at Madrasah As-Syafi'iyah Kencong Jember, 2) Determine the feasibility of the Domino Card learning media, and 3) Assess the effectiveness of the Domino Card learning media. The study used the Research and Development (R&D) method and the ADDIE model, which involved ten students from class II at Leces Islamic Elementary School. The final product, Modified Domino Card media, was validated by media, material, and learning experts, resulting in a validity score of 93%, categorizing it as very valid. The N-Gain Score calculation showed an average learning outcome increase of 83%, indicating the media's effectiveness. Thus, domino card learning media is valid and effective in improving the thematic learning of mathematics content in class II of Madrasah As-Syafi'iyah Kencong Jember. Innovative learning media such as Domino Cards can increase student motivation and engagement in the learning process, thus helping students better understand the material more interestingly and interactively.</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Asiya, Khotibul Umam, Andi Suhardi, Alcher J. Arpilleda