Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) en-US Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) The Existence of Halal Fashion Industry in escalating Economic Growth Through the Export Value of Indonesian Halal Products in the Era of Society 5.0 <p><em>The halal fashion industry has become an integral part of the global economy, particularly in Indonesia, which has significant potential as a producer of products that meet halal standards. With the growing global awareness of the need for halal products, the halal fashion industry in Indonesia plays a strategic role in supporting the country's economic growth. This study aims to analyze the impact of the existence of the halal fashion industry on the escalation of economic growth through the increase in halal product export values, especially in the context of the economic paradigm shift towards Society 5.0. The initial hypothesis of this study is that the existence of the halal fashion industry is believed to be capable of escalating economic growth through the export value of Indonesian halal products in the Society 5.0 era. A qualitative descriptive method is used in the research, utilizing information and references from sources such as the State of the Global Islamic Economy (SGIE) report, Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Halal Ecosystem Reports, the Sharia Economic and Financial Report (LEKSI), Databoks website, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemkominfo), the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag), and several related studies and scientific works. Based on the research conducted, the existence of the halal fashion industry plays a crucial role in driving Indonesia's economic growth through increased export values of halal products in the Society 5.0 era.</em></p> Nur Annisa Raodatul Jannah Fadela Huaida Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 Modern Photography: Banjarmasin Consumer Preferences in the Digital Age <p><em>Nowadays, the development of technology, especially in the field of photography, is very rapid. The presence of digital photography technology and smartphones with powerful camera features provides convenience in the use of cameras. So that it has an impact on several photography services that were once trending such as mobile photo services. This study aims to explain how people's preferences and analyses of Banjarmasin people's preferences for photography services in the digital era. This research is a quantitative descriptive research with data collection methods, namely Forum Group Discussion (FGD) and survey with questionnaires as research instruments. The population in this study is the people of Banjarmasin. The analysis used in the data presentation and preparation is factor analysis using the SPSS 25 programme. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the Banjarmasin community still has an interest in using photography services in the digital era where 74% of people have an interest in using photography services in the digital era which is influenced by social factors as the most dominant factor, while cultural factors are the factors with the lowest value.</em></p> Muhammad Raihan Rafli Lisda Aisyah Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 ANALYSIS OF ISLAMIC FINANCIAL LITERACY OF THE MILLENIAL MUSLIM GENERATION REGARDING ISLAMIC FINTECH (CASE STUDIES IN SEVERAL COLLAGES IN BANJARMASIN CITY) <p><em>This research is motivated by the importance of literacy in financial management. Islamic financial literacy is an individual’s understanding or knowledge related to finance, such as understanding Islamic financial products, Islamic financial contracts, and managing funds based on sharia principles, including Islamic fintech or financial technology, Islamic fintech is a technology in the financial sector that provides services in financial service activities to costumers and the community through the internet.</em></p> <p><em>The purpose of this research is to identify and measure the level of financial literacy of the millennial muslim generation in Banjarmasin city regarding Islamic fintech. This research is field research using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The location of this research is in Banjarmasin city. The population in this research consist of students from several universities in Banjarmasin, with data collection methods using questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques.</em></p> <p><em>The results of this research indicate that the millennial muslim generation in Banjarmasin city has a moderate level of literacy regarding Islamic fintech, which is 61% indicating that they have sufficient knowledge and understanding of Islamic fintech.</em></p> Lili Sonia Sefty Lau Rohana Faridah Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 LITERATURE STUDY ON FINANCING RISK MANAGEMENT RESEARCH IN BAITUL MAL WAT TAMWIL <p>Previous research on financing risk management in BMT has been widely conducted. However, there has been no literature review on the topic. Therefore, this article aims to conduct a literature review of the results of financing risk management research on BMT. The review was performed on the research results published in national scientific journals indexed in Google Scholar as many as ten articles. The results of the review show that trained human resources play an essential role in risk management in BMT; BMT does not yet own complete regulation and standardized risk control system; submission of financing applications at BMT is carried out by the procedure; Problematic financing is handled gradually starting from a familial approach, the application of rescheduling and restructuring, then the last step is legal settlement.</p> Muhammad Noor Aiman Difi Dahliana Eka Mutia Salsabila Raisa Radhiati Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 Contribution of Halal Tourism in the management of hot spring tourism in Hulu Banyu Village, Hulu Sungai Selatan towards Sustainable Development in Rural Areas <p><em>Halal tourism is a tourism concept that presents products and services in accordance with the principles of Islamic sharia. With the rapid growth of the number of Muslim tourists in the world, halal tourism is a very potential market. Indonesia has regulated this, this can be seen in the existence of DSN-MUI Fatwa Number 108 of 2016, Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee, Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism. This study aims to examine the contribution of halal tourism to sustainable development in Hulu Banyu Village, Loksado sub-district, Hulu Sungai Selatan. Hulu Banyu Village has natural tourism potential, such as rivers, waterfalls, mountains and forests, as well as the richness of Meratus culture. This potential can be developed into halal tourism that attracts Muslim tourists. The development of halal tourism can have a positive impact on the economy of the local community through the creation of new jobs and increased income, which is in line with the objectives of the principle of sustainability. Through a qualitative approach, this study analyses the economic, social and environmental impacts of halal tourism development in the village. The results showed that halal tourism has significantly contributed to the increase in community income, the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), the preservation of local culture. This study also identified several challenges that need to be addressed, such as waste management and human resource capacity building.</em></p> Norsyam Erwan Setyanoor Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 Marketing Strategy Through the Integration of Red Ocean and Blue Ocean Approaches in the Online Service Industry of PT. Gojek Indonesia: A Review <p><em>The online services industry in Indonesia has experienced rapid growth, accompanied by increasingly intense competition. PT. Gojek Indonesia, as one of the pioneers in this industry, faces the challenge of continuously innovating and maintaining its market position. In this context, it is crucial to explore effective marketing strategies to achieve competitive advantage and expand market share. This research examines marketing strategies through the integration of Red Ocean and Blue Ocean approaches within PT. Gojek Indonesia's online services sector. The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of combining competitive (Red Ocean) and innovative (Blue Ocean) strategies in enhancing Gojek's competitiveness and expanding its market share amid the intensifying competition in the online services industry. The research method employed is a literature review, involving the collection and analysis of secondary data from various reputable sources, including scientific journals, industry reports, and company publications. Through this analysis, the study seeks to identify best practices and innovations that Gojek has implemented in developing effective marketing strategies. The findings indicate that the integration of Red Ocean and Blue Ocean strategies provides significant competitive advantages for Gojek. The Red Ocean strategy enables Gojek to withstand intense competition by leveraging internal strengths and operational efficiency. Meanwhile, the Blue Ocean approach allows Gojek to create new value through service innovation and product diversification, which in turn broadens its customer base and enhances customer loyalty. The study concludes that the combination of Red Ocean and Blue Ocean strategies can serve as an effective model for other companies in the online services industry seeking to remain competitive and innovative in a dynamic market. The practical implications of this research include strategic recommendations for Gojek's management and the online services industry at large, advocating for the adoption of a holistic and sustainable marketing approach.</em></p> Aswan Nazairin Noor Ainah Halimah Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 Digital Marketing Innovation by Utilizing Information Systems for Business Success <p><em>Digital marketing is one of the important aspects in today's digital era or industry 4.0. In the context, digital marketing utilizes information systems to plan, price, promote, and distribute products or services to satisfy consumer needs. By combining digital and conventional marketing, companies can maximize their marketing strategies. Through a literature view approach, this study collects data from research journals and books to explore digital market innovation and the utilization of information systems in the marketing process. Thus, this research aims to provide insights into how companies can use the sophistication of information systems in digital marketing to improve their competitiveness and business success.</em></p> Ahmad Sufi Al Madani Robiatul Adawiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 DETERMINING THE SALE AND PURCHASE PRICE AT THE BARABAI URBAN COUNCIL WASTE BANK <p><em>This research is motivated by the existence of one business that applies different pricing in the buying and selling process, namely at the Urban Waste Bank Dewan where if the transaction is carried out by saving, the price will be higher than in cash (paid directly) and the price of the garbage is also different every day.</em></p> <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the difference in the price of buying and selling waste by depositing savings and cash at the Urban Waste Bank Dewan Barabai. This research is a field research using a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects are the owner, employees and customers of the Urban Waste Bank Dewan Barabai. While the data source is the informant. Data collection consists of observation, interviews and documentation.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of the study, the difference in pricing is used as a marketing technique to attract customers to save so that the Urban Waste Bank Dewan Barabai can manage its funds to make a profit and avoid losses where stored funds can be managed first. Buying and selling with this price difference is also allowed in Islam because it is in accordance with the pillars and conditions of buying and selling and both parties gain mutual benefit.</em></p> Noor Astia Maharani Muhammad Iqbal Sanjaya Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 THE INFLUENCE OF DIGITAL LITERACY, PERCEPTION OF USEFULNESS, EASE AND RISK ON USERS OF BSI MOBILE QRIS ON CUSTOMERS OF SYARIAH BANK INDONESIA KCP SUNGAI DANAU <p><em>This study is motivated by the increasing use of digital technology in the banking sector, including among Islamic bank customers in Indonesia. QRIS BSI Mobile is one of the innovations offered to facilitate financial transactions. This study aims to analyze the influence of digital literacy, perception of usefulness, perception of ease, and perception of risk on QRIS BSI Mobile users on Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Sungai Danau customers. This study is a field study with a quantitative approach. The research method used is Warp PLS software version 0.7, which is a statistical analysis tool based on Partial Least Squares (PLS). The subjects of the study were customers of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Sungai Danau. The data collection technique was through questionnaires distributed to customers who had used or knew about QRIS BSI Mobile. The results of this study indicate that digital literacy has a positive and significant influence on QRIS BSI Mobile users. Perception of usefulness also proved to have a positive and significant effect, indicating that the more customers feel QRIS BSI Mobile is useful, the more customers will use it. In addition, perception of ease shows a positive and significant effect, where ease of use increases users to use QRIS BSI Mobile. On the other hand, risk perception has a negative and significant influence, meaning that the higher the perceived risk, the fewer customers are willing to use QRIS BSI Mobile.</em></p> Hanggar Diyah Rahmatul Uyun Muhammad Qamaruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 Ratio Analysis of the Financial Report of the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative Ihsan Office of the Ministry of Religion Banjarmasin City <p><em>The Republic of Indonesia Ihsan Employee Cooperative at the Banjarmasin City Ministry of Religion Office is an economic entity that plays an important role in providing financial and social services to its members. Performance evaluation has significant benefits for the Republic of Indonesia Ihsan Employee Cooperative. The main objective is to assess the level of success of this bank. Quantitative data research using a descriptive approach. Data and data sources come from the annual financial report of the Republic of Indonesia Ihsan Employee Cooperative for 2018-2022. Data collection used in research is documentation. The data analysis techniques used are liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, profitability ratios and activity ratios. The profit and loss report as of December 31 for 2018-2022 experienced fluctuations in the financial statements. The liquidity ratio, solvency ratio, and activity ratio of the Republic of Indonesia Ihsan Employee Cooperative for the Ministry of Religion of Banjarmasin City for five years can be said to be good according to industry standards, while the profitability ratio is not yet efficient because the return on assets and return on equity produced are low.</em></p> Zaky Rahman Hakim Erissa Nilasari Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 Driving Economic Growth: The Role of Domestic Investment in South Kalimantan <p><em>The increase and decrease in the rate of economic growth in South Kalimantan in the five years from 2018-2022 is the background of this research. Based on theory, in order to increase the rate of economic growth, investment is needed, both domestic and foreign investment. In this study, it will focus on how much influence local investment has on economic growth. South Kalimantan using simple linear regression analysis techniques with quantitative descriptive research types and assisted by the Eviews 12 programme. This study uses time series data by taking secondary data on the official BPS website. This study shows that partially the local investment variable has a significant effect on economic growth in South Kalimantan with a probability value of 0.0175 &gt; 0.05.</em></p> Syifa Aisya Muhaimin Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 Planting new seed in a burned-out land: Making money from carbon credits in Kalimantan <p><em>Carbon credit development holds significant potential in Kalimantan as a sustainable income source, drawing on positive examples from countries like Brazil. Key challenges, such as regulatory gaps and technical limitations, can be addressed through capacity building, strengthening regulations, and fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration. The implementation of advanced technologies like remote sensing and blockchain for accurate carbon emission verification is crucial, alongside building strong institutions and international marketing strategies. The metaphor “Planting new seed in a burned-out land” symbolizes the exploration of new opportunities amidst environmental challenges, with carbon credits offering both economic benefits and environmental sustainability for Kalimantan.</em></p> Muhammad Syukeri Muhammad Raihan Rafli Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 Islamic Business Ethics in the Thrift Shoe Market: A Behavioral Case Study of the Katamso Traders Association (P2K) <p><em>The second-hand market is currently gaining attention from various groups because it provides products at affordable prices. However, the business practices carried out by thrift traders are often questionable in terms of ethics. This research investigates how shoe sellers at Pasar Minggu Thrift in Banjarmasin conduct business according to Islamic ethical principles, with a focus on the Paguyuban Pedagang Katamso (P2K). This research utilizes a qualitative approach with a descriptive focus. Data collection will be achieved through observations and interviews with traders, consumers, and market managers. The results show that some thrift shoe traders in Pasar Minggu Thrift have implemented Islamic business ethics principles, namely: Unity, Equilibrium, Free Will, Responsibility, and Benevolence in their business activities. However, There's room for improvement in certain practices to reach a higher ethical benchmark. This research aims to uncover a more thorough understanding of how Islamic business ethics can be applied to the business of thrift and serve as a guide for other traders to operate ethically and responsibly.</em></p> Fadela Huaida Putri Raodatul Jannah Nispan Rahmi Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-24 2024-09-24 ANALYSIS OF HIJAB ID SCARVES BUSINESS COMPETITION ACCORDING TO THE PERSPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS ETHICS <p><em>Healthy competition in business will lead to positive outcomes as it prevents consumer dissatisfaction. The beneficiaries of such healthy competition are undoubtedly the consumers themselves, business operators, and producers. The aim of this research is to investigate the analysis of the hijab business competition at ID Scarves from the perspective of Islamic Business Ethics. This study employs a qualitative and field research approach, gathering data through interviews and observations. The findings indicate that ID Scarves engages in business competition effectively in accordance with the principles of Islamic Business Ethics, which include healthy competition, honesty, good and sympathetic behavior, transparency, and justice.</em></p> Muhammad Jordan Ibrahim Agitsna Jannati A. Hafiz Anshary Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-24 2024-09-24 Implementation of Debt and Credit Transactions On MSMEs In Banjarmasin City <p><em>This writing is conducted as an effort to examine the practice of implementing debt and credit contracts or al-qardh in the daily lives of the people of Banjarmasin City, especially from the perspective of MSME actors. This paper uses qualitative methods in the form of interviews and literature, namely by collecting primary data through personal communication between researchers and business actors, as well as secondary data from relevant sources as writing material which is then analysed and interpreted and linked so that it becomes a unified thought. In this paper, it is found that the people of Banjarmasin City, in terms of MSME actors, have implemented a debt and credit system in accordance with Islamic principles, which prioritises the principle of helping and does not involve usury in the implementation of their business. In addition, there is a good relationship between sellers and distributors and consumers. From there, this contract not only provides a lesson in empathy but also bonds a sense of brotherhood between one element of society and another.</em></p> Nur Apriliani Bahri Anisa Juniar Maulana Asyrof Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-24 2024-09-24 Ushur and Jizyah in the Perspective of Islamic Economics: Their Role and Function in State Revenue <p><em>This study examines the role of ushur and jizyah as potential sources of state revenue within an Islamic framework. Ushur is a tax levied on agricultural products and traders who cross borders, while jizyah is a financial contribution imposed on non-Muslims residing in Islamic territories, primarily to ensure their protection and security. The research employs a literature review approach, analyzing relevant religious texts and existing scholarly works to assess the significance of these two financial contributions.</em></p> <p><em>The findings highlight that both ushur and jizyah hold considerable potential as effective state revenue streams, particularly in Islamic governance systems. Ushur serves as a practical method for taxing economic activity in the form of trade and agriculture, while jizyah functions as a means of ensuring societal protection for non-Muslim citizens, contributing to state financial sustainability. However, the study notes that the success of these income sources depends on factors such as administrative efficiency, fair implementation, and the broader economic and social context.</em></p> <p><em>In conclusion, while ushur and jizyah present valuable opportunities for enhancing state revenue, their real-world impact hinges on proper execution and alignment with contemporary financial systems. These contributions, when managed effectively, could provide meaningful support for government finances in an Islamic context.</em></p> Farida Ariani Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-24 2024-09-24 Online Buying and Selling Transactions in the Review of Islamic Business Ethics: Study on Art Print Barabai <p><em>This research examines the practice of online buying and selling transactions conducted by Art Print Printing Barabai from the perspective of Islamic business ethics. The purpose of the research is to analyze the suitability of the procedures and implementation of the company's online transactions with the principles of business ethics in Islam. The method used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection through interviews, and observation. The results showed that in general, Barabai Art Print Printing's online transactions have implemented Islamic business ethics principles such as honesty, transparency, and responsibility. However, there are some aspects that need to be improved, especially in terms of clarity of product information and handling customer complaints. This research provides recommendations for the improvement of online business practices to be more in line with Islamic business ethics</em></p> Adi Tri Setiawan Syifa Alghina Muhammad Farid Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-24 2024-09-24 Analysis of the Influence of the Implementation of International Standards on the Supervision and Control Mechanisms of Islamic Financial Institutions <p><em>This research examines the Analysis of the Influence of the Application of International Standards on the Supervision and Control Mechanisms of Sharia Financial Institutions, the aim of which is for researchers to study and understand in more depth and explain in this paper the application of international standards to the supervision and control mechanisms of Islamic financial institutions.This research is a qualitative research using a descriptive approach method. The results of this research are,The development of Islamic banking began with the sign of many Muslim thinkers who wrote about the existence of Islamic banks. The results of this literature study provide evidence of the influence of AAOIFI accounting standards in a report of Islamic Financial Institutions. Therefore, it is necessary to create harmony and harmonization related to accounting standards that have been generally accepted and implemented in various countries such as IFRS with special accounting standards for Islamic financial institutions. DPS is responsible for ensuring that all Islamic Bank products and procedures are in accordance with Islamic principles. DPS is responsible for ensuring that all Islamic Bank procedures and products are in accordance with Islamic principles.</em></p> Soraya Nadira Ratih Hardini Kusuma Putri Zaki Mubarak Muhammad Syamsi Rizki Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 The Relevance and Urgency of Waqf in Realizing the Welfare of the People in Indonesia: Building a Waqf Network to Achieve Falah <p><em>Waqf is a means of social finance that has an important role in improving the welfare of the people in Indonesia. Building a strong and sustainable waqf network is an important step in achieving the falah of the people in Indonesia. A waqf network can make positive contributions in religious, social, economic, and health aspects. In the religious context, waqf refers to the transfer of property ownership by an individual or group to a foundation or charity for the purpose of public good. This abstract will review the relevance and urgency of waqf in the welfare of the people in Indonesia, taking into account the social, economic, and educational contexts.</em></p> Nur Annisa Ninuk Krismanti Sukarni Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BUSINESS OWNERS AND EMPLOYEES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS ETHICS PRINCIPLES IN COMPANIES HDI FAMILY CENTER BANJARBARU <p><em>This research aims to analyze the relationship between business owners and employees in applying the principles of Islamic business ethics at the HDI Family Center Banjarbaru. Islamic business ethics emphasizes justice, honesty, mutual respect, cooperation, maintaining honor, as well as the prohibition of riba (usury) and gharar (uncertainty) in business relationships. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach with a field research method at HDI Family Center Banjarbaru. The research results show that the relationship between business owners and employees at HDI Family Center Banjarbaru runs well and in accordance with the principles of Islamic business ethics. Open communication, high trust, solid cooperation, as well as fairness and equality are the keys to building a harmonious relationship between business owners and employees.</em></p> Nalarini Ismira Fakhrian Noor Muhammad Shofy Asshidiqie Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 Inventory Planning and Control Management in an Effort to Increase Warehouse Effectiveness <p><em>The research in this article aims to determine efforts to increase warehouse effectiveness in management planning and goods control. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method, using data collection techniques used, namely interview techniques with the third informant, namely the Store Manager, Assistant Store Manager and Warehouse Supervisor. The research results show that inventory planning and control are effective. In planning inventory, it is necessary to start by planning the purchase of goods, planning proper storage of goods, and planning profits for the company. Inventory of goods must control stock taking and control over stock. Apart from that, actions are taken to minimize the level of damage to goods by checking them once a week. Actions taken to minimize expired goods are by carrying out checks on a scale and applying the FIFO (First In First Out) method. By planning and controlling inventory, the warehouse can be managed more effectively.</em></p> Siti Kamariah Venia Marsyanhdha Safitri Rohana Faridah Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 Ethics of Bingka Bunda Production From An Islamic Perspective <p><em>Bingka Bunda is a small and medium enterprise (SME) that produces bingka, a traditional cake typical of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. In running her business, Bingka Bunda upholds Islamic ethical values. This journal aims to analyze the production ethics of Bingka Bunda in an Islamic review. The research method used is qualitative descriptive with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and document studies. The results of the study show that Bingka Bunda applies Islamic ethics in the aspects of raw materials, production processes, packaging, and marketing. The raw materials used are halal and of high quality, the production process is carried out hygienically and halal, the packaging is neat and informative, and the marketing is carried out honestly and responsibly. The application of Islamic ethics in the production of Bingka Bunda provides benefits for businesses, namely increasing consumer trust, improving business image, and increasing business blessings.</em></p> Masitah Emi Zulfa Devi Damayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 The Role of Investment and Workforce in South Kalimantan’s GDP Growth <p><em>One of the benchmarks for a region's economic development is economic growth. To quantify the amount of progress monetary development has made in a locale, it tends to be seen from the expansion in GRDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product) around there. Therefore, this research aims to analyze how a production factor can influence GRDP. The production factors in question are Investment and Labor. The sort of examination utilized in this exploration is spellbinding quantitative. The information utilized in this examination is auxiliary information as time series information got from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). Using the eviews 12 program, multiple linear regression analysis was used as the method of analysis. This study's conclusion is that GRDP is influenced by investment and labor, but not significantly, either simultaneously or partially.</em></p> Hayatun Nufus Erissa Nilasari Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 APPLICATION OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD SAW'S BUSINESS ETHICS IN MAMA ALI'S STALL BUSINESS <p><em>This research was conducted to find out how the Business Ethics of the Prophet Muhammad SAW were implemented in Mama Ali's Warung Business. The type of research used is field research. In this research, the author used a research approach in the form of qualitative research and data was collected through observation and interviews. The research results show that Warung Mama Ali's business is in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and the goals of Islamic economics which formulate the goal of seeking blessings in this world and the hereafter.</em></p> Fitria Hayati M. Nazarudin Vebiyana Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 Taxation in Indonesia: A Key Driver in Macroeconomic Stability and Historical Evolution <p><em>Tax is a vital instrument in regulating a country's economic activities and plays an important role in the macroeconomic context. This article analyzes the position of tax in macroeconomics, focusing on the Indonesian context, and explores the history of taxation in the country. This article uses a literature study method reviewing relevant books and journals. The type of data used is secondary data, namely data obtained indirectly. The data required for this study were taken from related documents. The conclusion or result of this article is that tax is an obligation collected by the state from citizens based on law without direct counter-performance, to finance expenditures that benefit the community. It has an important role in the allocation, distribution, and stabilization of the economy, as well as a source of state revenue and a tool for regulating the economy. The history of taxation in Indonesia reflects efforts towards a fair and efficient system.</em></p> Nurhafiyanisa Muhammad Rifqi Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-25 2024-09-25 Social Responsibility and Natural Environment in Laundry Business Hj. Irma Rozana: Perspective of Islamic Business Ethics <p><em>In the production process, residual production waste is produced, if the waste is not managed properly it can cause environmental pollution. Seeing that Dukuh Prompong is developing laundry, it is necessary to conduct research into the management of industrial waste. Waste management will be reviewed from the perspective of Islamic business ethics, to determine the impact of waste management on social and environmental aspects and how waste is managed from the perspective of Islamic business ethics. In this research, laundry business waste management will be reviewed with the values ​​of Islamic business ethics including monotheism, justice/balance, free will, responsibility and ihsan. With the aim of analyzing the impact on the environment of laundry business waste management and to analyze laundry waste management from the perspective of Islamic business ethics.</em></p> Ali Murtadha Ni'matul Husna Akh. Fauzi Aseri Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-09-27 2024-09-27 Uncovering the Motivations Behind the Use of the Taqsith Accord at Arrahmah Sharia Consumer Cooperative in South Kalimantan <p>This article aims to explore the issues behind Arrahmah Islamic Consumer Cooperative using taqsith or credit contracts in its financing products. Then whether the use of this type of contract is related to the construction of the identity of the Arrahmah Islamic Consumer Cooperative. This article is a qualitative field research. The researcher, in this case, directly extracted data in the field related to the efforts made by the Arrahmah Islamic Consumer Cooperative in maintaining and maintaining their cooperative to be free from usury practices. The research findings state that the background of the Arrahmah Islamic Consumer Cooperative using the <em>taqsith </em>contract, after previously naming it the murabahah contract in financing is due to the encouragement of knowledge of fiqh mumalah delivered by Salafi <em>asatidz</em>. This knowledge is based on the importance of maintaining the <em>shari'</em>a <em>of </em>their institution's operations in order to remain "<em>more shari'a, insha Allah, than other sharia or conventional cooperatives or financing institutions in general</em>." This knowledge can then be considered as a source of community identity that distinguishes them from other cooperatives or financial <em>institutions</em>.</p> Yulia Hafizah Erissa Nilasari A. Hafiz Anshary Fathurrahman Azhari Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 Opportunities and Challenges of Affirmation Policy in Civil Servant Candidate Selection (CPNS) in Indonesia <p>The inequality and inequality that still exist in access to employment opportunities is one of the reasons for the importance of implementing affirmative action policies. This policy aims to increase the participation of marginalised groups, including women, people with disabilities, and people from remote areas. The opportunities offered by this policy include increasing diversity in the bureaucracy and strengthening social representation. However, significant challenges also arise, such as the potential stigmatisation of candidates admitted through this route, as well as the risk of lowering quality standards if not matched by a rigorous selection mechanism. This article discusses the opportunities and challenges of implementing affirmative action policies in the selection of Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) in Indonesia by exploring how affirmative action policies can be effectively implemented to achieve the goals of social justice and improved quality of public services in Indonesia. The results show that in its implementation, the affirmative action policy opens up opportunities for equity and equality of opportunity for groups that have not been represented or marginalised in CPNS selection, increasing community motivation and participation. However, challenges also accompany the implementation of this policy such as inconsistent implementers and the stigma of discrimination. Hopefully, these findings can provide insights for policymakers and stakeholders in designing more inclusive and sustainable strategies.</p> Lola Malihah Mukhlis Kaspul Anwar Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 The Role of Customer Service in Improving the Quality of After-Sales Service and Product Warranty <p><em>In an era where business competition is increasingly fierce, the quality of after-sales service and products is the main key in building strong relationships between companies and customers. In the midst of ever-growing market dynamics, the role of customer service has become very important to ensure customer satisfaction through the services provided after purchase. This aims to find out the role of customer service in improving after-sales service and product warranties. The method used in this research is literature or literature study where the researcher collects references, materials from relevant sources such as books and journals related to the problem being studied. The results obtained show that customer service has a very important role in improving after-sales service and product warranties. By providing direct assistance to customers after a sales transaction, customer service functions as a guardian of a strong relationship between the company and the customer</em></p> Amalia Zahra Elsa Ningsih Fitri Norhidayati Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 Saudi Arabia's Ambitions in the Global Football Landscape: A Critical Analysis <p><em>This paper explores Saudi Arabia's strategic efforts to transform itself into a global football hub, examining its investment in international players and clubs, and situating these within broader economic goals, such as the Vision 2030 initiative. It compares this ambition with previous global football industry trends, such as Middle East investment, and China's failed attempt, and evaluates the sustainability of the Saudi approach.</em></p> Muhammad Yulian Ma’mun Zainal Ilmi Fatlullah Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-10-18 2024-10-18 Implementation of Sharia-Based Marketing <p><em>Globalization has brought changes to all aspects of life, including in the economic and social fields. Technological progress as an inseparable part of globalization and modernization is included in marketing. The purpose of this paper is to gain a better understanding of the concepts of sharia marketing, especially by considering Islamic and Halal trademarks and how Government Regulation Number 39 of 2021 is applied in Indonesia. The methodology used is a literature study. This methodology uses secondary data from various sources, such as books, journals, official websites, and relevant documents. The Miles and Huberman method is used to systematically analyze the data. The results show that Islamic marketing provides companies with many opportunities to expand markets, increase revenue, and enhance their reputation as organizations committed to Islamic values.</em></p> Devi Arlina Wulandari Dewi Putri Anggraini Wibowo Rabiatul Adawia Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan Syariah Dan Kemajuan Teknologi Terhadap Minat Investasi Di Pasar Modal Syariah Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Iai Darussalam Martapura <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh literasi keuangan syariah dan kemajuan teknologi terhadap minat investasi di pasar modal syariah pada mahasiswa fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis islam IAI Darussalam Martapura. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data primer yang di peroleh dari hasil angket yang di bagikan kepada 159 mahasiswa dengan menggunakan metode sampling purposive. Hasil dari analisis data diperoleh hasil uji parsial variabel literasi keuangan syariah dan kemajuan teknologi terhaadap minat investasi di pasar modal syariah dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 7,092 &gt; T tabel sebesar 1,655 dan t hitung sebesar 3,049 dan T tabel sebesar 1,655 terbukti berpengaruh secara signifikan. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan uji simultan diperoleh hasil nilai F hitung sebesar 86,437 &gt; F tabel sebesar 3,05 sehingga dapat dikatakan variabel literasi keuangan syariah dan kemajuan teknologi berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap minat investasi di pasar modal syariah.</em></p> Ajjah Nor Halizah Haya Zabidi Yulida Mardini Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-10-12 2024-10-12 The Influence of Promotion, Service Quality, and Savings Products on Saving Interest at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Muara Teweh Branch Office <p><em>This research is based on PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk (BSI) is an officially operating Islamic bank. Islamic banks are now competing to build superior values ​​to achieve this. Banks must prioritize service quality and offer savings items for promotion, the quality of service provided by Bank Syariah Indonesia. Thus, BSI must immediately become one of the most effective tools to drive the national economy as well as being world class. This study aims to determine the effect of promotion, service quality, and savings products on interest in savings at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Muara Teweh Branch Office. This research is a field research with a quantitative approach. The number of samples taken was 400 respondents and using the Solvin formula, the data obtained was then processed using SPSS Version (171). The final results of this study explain that promotion, service quality and products have a positive and significant effect on interest in savings, both simultaneously and partially. It is known that the effect of promotion, service quality and products on interest in savings is 73.6%</em></p> Nurul Jannah Yusuf Asyahri Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 THE INFLUENCE OF SHARIA FINANCIAL LITERACY, FINANCIAL ABILITY AND WAITING LIST ON STUDENTS' INTEREST IN SAVING IN THE BSI YOUNG HAJJ SAVINGS PRODUCT (STUDY AT SMPIT UKHUWAH BANJARMASIN) <p><em>This study was spurred by the public's strong interest in performing the Hajj pilgrimage, but the lengthy lines prevented many would-be pilgrims from leaving. Therefore, it is hoped that the BSI young Hajj savings product, which is specifically designed for children under the age of 17, would alleviate some of the long lines. This study employed a quantitative descriptive research design. The primary data used in the study were 326 responses to a questionnaire that was given to students at SMPIT Ukhuwah Banjarmasin. The present study employed SPSS version 23 software for data analysis, which included validity, reliability, multiple linear coefficients, classical assumptions, and hypothesis testing. This study employs specific techniques. This research shows that the Islamic financial literacy variable has a partially significant influence, as evidenced by the t-count value reaching 15.968 and a significance value of 0.000. Meanwhile, the financial capability and waiting list variables did not show a partially significant influence on students' interest in saving in the BSI young hajj savings product with t-calculated values ​​for each of the two variables of 1.716 and -1.063 with significant values ​​of 0.087 and 0.288</em></p> Qowiyah Yusuf Asyahri Copyright (c) 2024 Antasari Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ACIEB) 2024-12-19 2024-12-19