Social Responsibility and Natural Environment in Laundry Business Hj. Irma Rozana: Perspective of Islamic Business Ethics


  • Ali Murtadha Antasari State Islamic University
  • Ni'matul Husna Antasari State Islamic University
  • Akh. Fauzi Aseri Antasari State Islamic University


Waste Management, Environment, Islamic Business Ethics


In the production process, residual production waste is produced, if the waste is not managed properly it can cause environmental pollution. Seeing that Dukuh Prompong is developing laundry, it is necessary to conduct research into the management of industrial waste. Waste management will be reviewed from the perspective of Islamic business ethics, to determine the impact of waste management on social and environmental aspects and how waste is managed from the perspective of Islamic business ethics. In this research, laundry business waste management will be reviewed with the values ​​of Islamic business ethics including monotheism, justice/balance, free will, responsibility and ihsan. With the aim of analyzing the impact on the environment of laundry business waste management and to analyze laundry waste management from the perspective of Islamic business ethics.


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