The Relevance and Urgency of Waqf in Realizing the Welfare of the People in Indonesia: Building a Waqf Network to Achieve Falah


  • Nur Annisa Antasari State Islamic University
  • Ninuk Krismanti University of Limerick
  • Sukarni Antasari State Islamic University


Waqf, People's Welfare, Waqf Network, Management


Waqf is a means of social finance that has an important role in improving the welfare of the people in Indonesia. Building a strong and sustainable waqf network is an important step in achieving the falah of the people in Indonesia. A waqf network can make positive contributions in religious, social, economic, and health aspects. In the religious context, waqf refers to the transfer of property ownership by an individual or group to a foundation or charity for the purpose of public good. This abstract will review the relevance and urgency of waqf in the welfare of the people in Indonesia, taking into account the social, economic, and educational contexts.


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