Analysis of the Influence of the Implementation of International Standards on the Supervision and Control Mechanisms of Islamic Financial Institutions


  • Soraya Nadira Antasari State Islamic University
  • Ratih Hardini Kusuma Putri National Dong Hwa University
  • Zaki Mubarak Antasari State Islamic University


International Standards, Supervision Mechanisms, Control, Islamic Financial Institutions


This research examines the Analysis of the Influence of the Application of International Standards on the Supervision and Control Mechanisms of Sharia Financial Institutions, the aim of which is for researchers to study and understand in more depth and explain in this paper the application of international standards to the supervision and control mechanisms of Islamic financial institutions.This research is a qualitative research using a descriptive approach method. The results of this research are,The development of Islamic banking began with the sign of many Muslim thinkers who wrote about the existence of Islamic banks. The results of this literature study provide evidence of the influence of AAOIFI accounting standards in a report of Islamic Financial Institutions. Therefore, it is necessary to create harmony and harmonization related to accounting standards that have been generally accepted and implemented in various countries such as IFRS with special accounting standards for Islamic financial institutions. DPS is responsible for ensuring that all Islamic Bank products and procedures are in accordance with Islamic principles. DPS is responsible for ensuring that all Islamic Bank procedures and products are in accordance with Islamic principles.


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