Implementation of Debt and Credit Transactions On MSMEs In Banjarmasin City


  • Nur Apriliani Bahri Antasari State Islamic University
  • Anisa Juniar Antasari State Islamic University
  • Maulana Asyrof Antasari State Islamic University


Debt, MSMEs, Sharia Principles


This writing is conducted as an effort to examine the practice of implementing debt and credit contracts or al-qardh in the daily lives of the people of Banjarmasin City, especially from the perspective of MSME actors. This paper uses qualitative methods in the form of interviews and literature, namely by collecting primary data through personal communication between researchers and business actors, as well as secondary data from relevant sources as writing material which is then analysed and interpreted and linked so that it becomes a unified thought. In this paper, it is found that the people of Banjarmasin City, in terms of MSME actors, have implemented a debt and credit system in accordance with Islamic principles, which prioritises the principle of helping and does not involve usury in the implementation of their business. In addition, there is a good relationship between sellers and distributors and consumers. From there, this contract not only provides a lesson in empathy but also bonds a sense of brotherhood between one element of society and another.


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