Islamic Business Ethics in the Thrift Shoe Market: A Behavioral Case Study of the Katamso Traders Association (P2K)


  • Fadela Huaida Putri Antasari State Islamic University
  • Raodatul Jannah Antasari State Islamic University
  • Nispan Rahmi Antasari State Islamic University


Behavior, Thrift and Thrift, Islamic Business Ethics, Market, Community


The second-hand market is currently gaining attention from various groups because it provides products at affordable prices. However, the business practices carried out by thrift traders are often questionable in terms of ethics. This research investigates how shoe sellers at Pasar Minggu Thrift in Banjarmasin conduct business according to Islamic ethical principles, with a focus on the Paguyuban Pedagang Katamso (P2K). This research utilizes a qualitative approach with a descriptive focus. Data collection will be achieved through observations and interviews with traders, consumers, and market managers. The results show that some thrift shoe traders in Pasar Minggu Thrift have implemented Islamic business ethics principles, namely: Unity, Equilibrium, Free Will, Responsibility, and Benevolence in their business activities. However, There's room for improvement in certain practices to reach a higher ethical benchmark. This research aims to uncover a more thorough understanding of how Islamic business ethics can be applied to the business of thrift and serve as a guide for other traders to operate ethically and responsibly.


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