Driving Economic Growth: The Role of Domestic Investment in South Kalimantan


  • Syifa Aisya Antasari State Islamic University
  • Muhaimin Antasari State Islamic University


Economic Growth, Domestic Investment, South Kalimantan


The increase and decrease in the rate of economic growth in South Kalimantan in the five years from 2018-2022 is the background of this research. Based on theory, in order to increase the rate of economic growth, investment is needed, both domestic and foreign investment. In this study, it will focus on how much influence local investment has on economic growth. South Kalimantan using simple linear regression analysis techniques with quantitative descriptive research types and assisted by the Eviews 12 programme. This study uses time series data by taking secondary data on the official BPS website. This study shows that partially the local investment variable has a significant effect on economic growth in South Kalimantan with a probability value of 0.0175 > 0.05.


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