Ratio Analysis of the Financial Report of the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative Ihsan Office of the Ministry of Religion Banjarmasin City


  • Zaky Rahman Hakim Antasari State Islamic University
  • Erissa Nilasari Antasari State Islamic University


Ratio Analysis, Financial Reports, Financial Performance


The Republic of Indonesia Ihsan Employee Cooperative at the Banjarmasin City Ministry of Religion Office is an economic entity that plays an important role in providing financial and social services to its members. Performance evaluation has significant benefits for the Republic of Indonesia Ihsan Employee Cooperative. The main objective is to assess the level of success of this bank. Quantitative data research using a descriptive approach. Data and data sources come from the annual financial report of the Republic of Indonesia Ihsan Employee Cooperative for 2018-2022. Data collection used in research is documentation. The data analysis techniques used are liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, profitability ratios and activity ratios. The profit and loss report as of December 31 for 2018-2022 experienced fluctuations in the financial statements. The liquidity ratio, solvency ratio, and activity ratio of the Republic of Indonesia Ihsan Employee Cooperative for the Ministry of Religion of Banjarmasin City for five years can be said to be good according to industry standards, while the profitability ratio is not yet efficient because the return on assets and return on equity produced are low.


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