: The Annual Postgraduate Conference on Muslim Society2025-02-25T03:25:26+00:00Open Journal SystemsAPCoMS : The Annual Postgraduate Conference on Muslim Society, EDUCATION AND SUSTAINABILITY: HOW THESE ASPECTS CAN WORK TOGETHER TO CREATE A STRONGER AWARENESS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 2025-02-25T03:25:26+00:00Budhy Munawar-Rachman [email protected]<p><em>This article explores the integral role of Islamic teachings in addressing the global environmental crisis. It highlights how Islam, as a comprehensive religion, provides ethical guidance for humanity's relationship with nature, emphasizing stewardship (khalifah), balance (mizan), and moderation (israf). Islamic education is crucial in fostering environmental awareness, where schools and religious institutions can incorporate teachings that promote conservation as a religious duty. The article underscores the concept of "Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin" (mercy to all creation), positioning environmental care as a central tenet of the faith. Practical applications of these principles are seen in initiatives like tree planting, water conservation, and the "Green Mosque" movement in Muslim-majority countries. By integrating Islamic values into education and policy, Muslim communities are contributing to global sustainability efforts, demonstrating that faith-based approaches can offer valuable solutions to modern ecological challenges. The article concludes by advocating for a stronger alignment between Islamic education and environmental ethics to inspire a new generation of environmentally conscious Muslims. </em></p>2025-02-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 HUKUM DALAM PENANGANAN PERZINAHAN PERLUASAN HAK PELAPORAN ATAU STATUS QUO2024-10-28T13:23:03+00:00Rahmansyah[email protected]Abdul Latif[email protected]Fajar Abdi Rahman[email protected]Mawardiansyah[email protected]Ahmad Syauki[email protected]Muhammad Fikriannur Ahsan[email protected]<p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>: </strong><em>The adultery law in Indonesia, particularly Article 284 of the Criminal Code, limits the right to report only to the legal spouse or nuclear family, so that third parties cannot report adultery cases. This restriction creates a legal vacuum that has the potential to provide injustice to victims outside the family sphere, and often allows the perpetrator to escape punishment if the family does not report. This study aims to examine whether the expansion of reporting rights to third parties can strengthen law enforcement or create new problems. The method used is a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis, through a literature study of adultery laws in Indonesia and international comparisons. The results show that the expansion of reporting rights can improve access to justice and strengthen social control over public morality, but also carries the risk of abuse and privacy violations. Several real cases in Indonesia show that the inability of third parties to report adultery causes perpetrators to escape legal sanctions, which in turn weakens the enforcement of morality. In conclusion, Indonesia's adultery laws require reform with strict regulations, such as extending limited reporting rights and implementing mediation mechanisms and sanctions for false reporting. These reforms are expected to provide a balance between victim protection, morality enforcement, and effectiveness.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong>: </strong><em>Undang-undang perzinahan di Indonesia, khususnya Pasal 284 KUHP, membatasi hak pelaporan hanya kepada pasangan sah atau keluarga inti, sehingga pihak ketiga tidak dapat melaporkan kasus perzinahan. Pembatasan ini menimbulkan kekosongan hukum yang berpotensi memberikan ketidakadilan bagi korban di luar lingkup keluarga, dan sering kali membuat pelaku lolos dari hukuman jika keluarga tidak melapor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perluasan hak pelaporan kepada pihak ketiga dapat memperkuat penegakan hukum atau justru menimbulkan masalah baru. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif, melalui studi pustaka terhadap undang-undang perzinahan di Indonesia serta perbandingan internasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perluasan hak pelaporan dapat meningkatkan akses keadilan dan memperkuat kontrol sosial terhadap moralitas publik, namun juga membawa risiko penyalahgunaan dan pelanggaran privasi. Beberapa kasus nyata di Indonesia memperlihatkan bahwa ketidakmampuan pihak ketiga untuk melaporkan perzinahan menyebabkan pelaku lolos dari sanksi hukum, yang pada gilirannya melemahkan penegakan moralitas. Kesimpulannya undang-undang perzinahan di Indonesia memerlukan reformasi dengan regulasi ketat, seperti memperluas hak pelaporan secara terbatas dan menerapkan mekanisme mediasi serta sanksi untuk pelaporan palsu. Reformasi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan keseimbangan antara perlindungan korban, penegakan moralitas, dan efektivitas sistem hukum.</em></p>2025-02-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rahmansyah, Abdul Latif, Fajar Abdi Rahman, Mawardiansyah, Ahmad Syauki, Muhammad Fikriannur Ahsanاستخدام وسيلة سياحة للممارسة اللغوية في مواجهة اختبارات اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها (TOAFL)2024-10-23T11:11:21+00:00Muhammad Rifqi Maulana[email protected]Taufiqurrahman[email protected]<p>This research aims to determine the use of the SIYAHA application in dealing with <em>Test of Arabic as a Foreign Language </em>(TOAFL). The SIYAHA application is a new application in 2024 developed by the Language Development Unit (UPB) of the Antasari State Islamic University, Banjarmasin to make it easier for academics at UIN Antasari, even for the general public, paid and free. This research applies a qualitative approach with a library method content analysis. The results of the research, to use the SIYAHA Application you must first have an account with a SIAKAD account (Sistem Informasi Akademik) and General Login (General), the SIYAHA application is online based and consists of modules, tips and tricks, theories as well as questions and keys TOAFL and TOEFL answers in it. TOEFL questions consist of: <em>Listening, Structure and Written Expression, Reading Comprehession, </em>The TOAFL questions consist of: <em>Fahmu al-Masmu', Fahmu al-Tarakib, Fahmu al-Maqru'</em>.</p>2025-02-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Rifqi Maulana, Taufiqurrahman INSTRUMENT IN TABARRU CONTRACT: A LEGAL BREAKTHROUGH IN THE FATWA OF THE NATIONAL SHARIA COUNCIL2024-10-23T08:11:56+00:00Syaugi Mubarak[email protected]Jailani Abdullah[email protected]<p><em>As one of the sharia financial instrument, </em>ijarah<em> be the model of contract which applied in sharia banking whether with single contract or hybrict contract. One of the reason why </em>ijarah<em> contract instrument in hybrict applied is because there is </em>tabarru<em> contract in a product in sharia banking. Various breakthrough made by National Sharia Council (</em>DSN<em>) is for make sure that Islamic (sharia) banking do not find a difficulty in the application in a product that has implications for the emergence of legal contradictions with classic fiqh. This research focus to the two issues, those are: first: the existence of u</em>jrah<em> instrument in the </em>Tabarru<em> contract which incidentally is a contract that has social dimension not a profit as implemented in National Sharia Council – </em>DSN<em>’s fatwa and be a basic legality in some products in sharia banking; second: the acquisition of </em><em>u</em>jrah<em> which is calculated on a certain percentage. This research is legal research that can classified to the normative legal research, that is library research that base on legal material, whether primer or secondary. The characteristic of this research is explanatory which is a research that explain, strengthen or test and even refuse a theory or hypothesis also to the result of research. Findings in this research conclude that most of the </em><em>‘ulama</em><em> are not allowing to take an advantage of kafalah contract, because the characteristic of contract is </em>‘<em>uqud tabarru’at (social service</em>)<em> and </em>ujrah<em> in a form of </em>hissah<em> (a certain of comparison or percentage) is invalid). This is different with National Sharia Council – </em>DSN<em> in its fatwa that allow the </em>ujrah<em> instrument in </em>kafalah<em> contract and also stipulate that the determination of </em>ujrah<em> base on percentage.</em></p>2025-02-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Syaugi Mubarak, Jailani Abdullah PEDAGOGIES IN THE ERA OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0 AND SOCIETY 5.02024-10-22T15:03:51+00:00Noor Maulidiyah[email protected]<p>This paper aims to discuss new teaching methods that are suitable for the current era of technological advancement (Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0) in Indonesian universities. It will provide real-world examples of innovative teaching approaches and explore the difficulties encountered in implementing them. These innovative pedagogies include: Teaching students various forms of literacy, encouraging critical thinking skills, and integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into teaching practices.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Innovative Pedagogies, Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era, Society 5.0 Era, Literacy, Critical Thinking, Artificial Intelligence.</em> </p>2025-02-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Noor Maulidiyah OF CIVILIZATION: SYNERGY OF ISLAMIC SCHOLARSHIP AND ECOLOGICAL COURAGE2024-09-14T12:51:00+00:00Mujiansyah muji[email protected]<p>This study explores the synergy between Islamic scholarship and ecological courage in the context of the global environmental crisis. Using a mixed-methods approach, this research investigates the potential of Islamic teachings in shaping comprehensive environmental ethics and promoting concrete action. Results indicate positive trends in implementing Islamic principles in environmental policies, education, and socio-economic practices. A survey of 500 Muslim scholars and environmental activists reveals that 78% of respondents believe in the strong relevance of Islamic teachings to contemporary environmental issues. Analysis of policy documents in five Muslim-majority countries shows an increased use of fiqh al-bi'ah (Islamic environmental jurisprudence) in environmental regulations. Implementation challenges remain, with 60% of policymakers reporting difficulties in translating Islamic principles into concrete policies. However, innovations such as "green sukuk" and the green mosque movement demonstrate the potential for integrating Islamic values with modern sustainability practices.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Mujiansyah muji OF THE EFFECT OF LEVERAGE RATIO AND PROFITABILITY RATIO ON STOCK PRICES IN FOOD AND BEVERAGE INDUSTRY SUB-SECTOR COMPANIES LISTED ON THE INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE (BEI) FOR THE PERIOD 2019 - 20232024-09-15T10:43:39+00:00Eka Sutisna[email protected]<p>This study aims to determine, assess and analyze the effect of Leverage Ratio and Profitability Ratio on Stock Price in food and beverage industry sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The dependent variable of this study is the Stock Price as measured by the Annual Closing Stock Price. Meanwhile, the independent variables of this study are the Leverage Ratio as measured using the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and the Profitability Ratio as measured using Return on Equity (ROE). The analysis method used is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach, which is research that aims to analyze data in the form of numbers from financial reports and then provide certain conclusions that can provide an assessment of the problem. The samples used in this study were 6 Food and Beverage Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2019 - 2023. The data analysis techniques used in this study are Descriptive Statistical Analysis Test, Classical Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test, and Hypothesis Test using the SPSS version 29 program to determine the influence and relationship of each variable. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that simultaneously the Leverage Ratio and Profitability Ratio have a positive and significant effect on Stock Prices. While partially, the Leverage Ratio has a positive but insignificant effect on Stock Prices and the Profitability Ratio has a negative and significant effect on Stock Prices.<br>Keywords: Leverage Ratio, Profitability Ratio, Stock Price.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Eka Sutisna MELAYU DALAM PERADABAN: SEBUAH ANALISIS ISLAM DAN POLITIK2024-09-20T08:08:09+00:00sulaiman kurdi[email protected]<p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>This research is motivated by the presence of Islam in Malaya when the influence of Buddhism and Hinduism is still so strong represented by The Majapahit and Srivijaya kingdoms and known at that time its hegemony, but a question arises why Islam in the Malay world is so superior in the treasures of Islamic Civilization. This study aims to know how Malay Islam is viewed through the analysis of Islam and politics. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative and literature study type. The results of this study indicate that Islam has such a large and complex influence on the Malay land that in its heyday it has revoked the hegemony of the previous religions, namely Hinduism and Buddhism. An important factor that makes Islam in developing so fast and rapidly due to the placement of the Centers of the circle of civilization at three points, namely the Palace, boarding schools and Markets. The palace as a central power in the political field, pesantren plays a role in education and the market plays a role in the economic field.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Civilization, Islam, Malay</em>.</p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak: </strong><em>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hadirnya Islam di tanah Melayu saat pengaruh Budha dan Hindu masih begitu kuat yang direpresentasikan oleh kerajaan Majapahit dan Sriwijaya serta dikenal pada masa itu hegemoninya, akan tetapi muncul sebuah pertanyaan mengapa Islam di bumi Melayu sangat superior dewasa ini dalam khazanah peradaban Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui bagaimana Islam Melayu dilihat melalui analisis Islam dan politik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dan berjenis studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Islam memiliki pengaruh begitu besar dan kompleks di tanah Melayu sehingga pada masa kejayaannya dapat mencabut hegemoni agama terdahulu yang sangat eksis dan kuat yaitu agama Hindu dan Budha. Faktor penting yang membuat Islam dalam berkembang begitu cepat dan pesat dikarenakan penempatan pusat-pusat lingkaran peradaban pada tiga titik, yaitu Istana, Pesantren dan Pasar. Istana digunakan sebagai sentral kekuasaan di bidang politik, pesantren berperan di bidang pendidikan dan pasar berperan di bidang ekonomi.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci</em></strong>: <em>Peradaban, Islam, Melayu.</em></p>2025-02-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 sulaiman kurdi