استخدام وسيلة سياحة للممارسة اللغوية في مواجهة اختبارات اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها (TOAFL)



This research aims to determine the use of the SIYAHA application in dealing with Test of Arabic as a Foreign Language (TOAFL). The SIYAHA application is a new application in 2024 developed by the Language Development Unit (UPB) of the Antasari State Islamic University, Banjarmasin to make it easier for academics at UIN Antasari, even for the general public, paid and free. This research applies a qualitative approach with a library method content analysis. The results of the research, to use the SIYAHA Application you must first have an account with a SIAKAD account (Sistem Informasi Akademik) and General Login (General), the SIYAHA application is online based and consists of modules, tips and tricks, theories as well as questions and keys TOAFL and TOEFL answers in it. TOEFL questions consist of: Listening, Structure and Written Expression, Reading Comprehession, The TOAFL questions consist of: Fahmu al-Masmu', Fahmu al-Tarakib, Fahmu al-Maqru'.





